Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sophia's Birthday

Some of the siblings and cousins at Sophia's birthday party. Nine of her ten siblings came. The reason all the kids didn't make it into the photo is simply because I wasn't going to fight for a perfect picture.

Siblings at the party, but not necessarily in this picture are Brittney, Riley, Taylor, Zeke, & Anthony from our family,

Davey, Allison & Lonnie from bio dad's side, (15 yr old Cassy didn't make it),

and Baby Aubree from bio mom's side.

Add in numerous cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents and it made for a big party. Rachel brought the cake and I paid for the pool room. Sophia had fun.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Random Dog Story Because I Don't Want to Type Anything Else

I made it through Christmas. Much thanks to some spectacular people, especially Holly A, Sandy R, Kim B. Today I need to get through Sophia's birthday party with lots of family.  Stories to follow, maybe. Instead, I'll give you a totally random dog story that nearly broke up our marriage yesterday.

Steve decided that our dog Buddy didn't smell very good. I thought he smelled fine but Steve wanted to give him a bath. Buddy is the 9 year old springer/lab foster dog that lived with us for long enough that we kept him. He thinks he's a person and he's definitely a member of the family. According to me, he's the best dog ever!

Buddy is very smart and quite heavy. I figured it wouldn't be easy to give him a bath. Steve and I have different approaches to parenting, which apparently extends to parenting the dog. So yesterday, Steve switched out the shower head in the bathroom and told me he was going to give the dog a bath.

I merely said, "Good luck with that."

I know, not a good wifely thing to say. I should have been more supportive or offered to help. But Steve was a bit cocky about the whole thing, so I figured I would let him try (ie fail) on his own. He wasn't terribly happy about that but it still probably would have been ok if I could have left it at that.

Steve first tried to bribe Buddy into the bathroom with a snack. Buddy wouldn't go anywhere near Steve or the snack. I started to giggle. Buddy darted back and forth down the hallway and carefully avoided the bathroom at all costs.  When Steve called to Buddy, Buddy just barked back at him, and Buddy hardly ever barks.  I laughed. Out loud. Steve resorted to grabbing Buddy's collar and trying to drag him into the bathroom. Buddy sat down on his haunches and pushed backwards until his collar slipped right off his neck, and a very angry Steve was left holding an empty collar in the bathroom doorway.

By this time, Brittney and I were both laughing hysterically. Not a good idea. Needless to say, the dog did not get a bath yesterday and Steve was barely speaking to me. The good news is that Steve and I remain married and I transitioned into a good wife for an hour or so this morning. 

I helped Steve give Buddy a bath. Would it be gloating to say that my way worked really well and was a lot less stressful? So perhaps I shouldn't say it ;)

I sat with Buddy in the hallway for a while. Then I got up and got his walking harness. He's really strong, and if we use only a leash when we walk him, he practically chokes himself on it. The harness goes around his chest and front legs. He was exited because he knows something fun will happen when he gets to wear the harness. I led him back to the hallway and spent some time petting him again. Then I told Steve to get behind him and push when I told him too. When I first started leading Buddy into the bathroom, he still didn't want to go but I kept a firm hold on the leash and told Steve to push on his rear end. Into the bathroom we went.

Once inside, I went into the bathtub and Buddy hopped right in beside me. I comforted him in the tub for quite a while and he calmly stood beside me. Eventually, I told Steve to turn on the hand-held shower. I kept talking to Buddy, petting him and rubbing my face on his face. Steve starting washing and shampooing the dog. I was able to take off both his harness and his collar without having to hold on to him at all. He endured the entire bath!

I got very wet but I now have a clean, non-traumatized dog and a much happier husband.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Waiting at the doctor's office for a checkup. Would've cancelled but I've done that three times already. I'm totally prepared to lie about how I feel though.

Done. Explained current high blood pressure as result of high stress at check in because of long lines & having to wait for cashier. Ha.
Said yes when Dr asked if i was sleeping well. Haha.
Used the excuse of being busy with the kids during vacation to explain the weight differentiation. Hahaha.
Also told him I was feeling fine when he asked how I was doing.

Apparently I am very good at faking when I have to. Truth is, I feel like crap. If I get through Christmas, I've decided there's something to be said about never leaving home.

Friday, December 20, 2013

"The guilt being great, the fear doth still exceed;
And extreme fear can neither fight nor fly
But, coward-like, with trembling terror die."

William Shakespeare

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Reposting Riley's Band Concert

Somehow the pictures from Riley's band concert didn't post the first time. I re-posted them under 'Riley's Band Concert'

Monday, December 16, 2013

Think we can fit a few more in? When I said they should lay down because they didn't feel good, I meant in their own beds!

Just checked my voicemails from today, which I hate doing. There were a total of seven but I noticed one was from the secretary at Anthony's school. By this time, Anthony's been home from school for a couple of hours already.

When I listened to it, the message said Anthony was in the nurse's office with what might be pink eye. His right eye was really red and he was complaining that it hurt and it was really bothering him.

As soon as I heard the message, I called Anthony upstairs. I asked him if he had been in the nurse's office today. He told me he had.

"Why didn't you tell me?!?", I asked.

His eye was obviously NOT bothering him too much, as his response was "I forgot."

ALL ABOUT ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) ;)

( I call the baby mine)


Is he hansome ?

My best football playler ! ;) :)

love my sister


I accidently got to have lunch with two friends today instead of just one :)

I was scheduled to meet Nan for lunch. It was a bit hectic when I left the house since I had two sick kids plus Sophia but I thought I could still make it on time. By the time I got to Qdoba's and ordered, I was second-guessing if that was where we had arranged to meet. I checked my messages and I was at the right place so I kept waiting. When she didn't show up and didn't text me, I re-checked my messages and realized that I was actually a half hour early. I decided I'd try to clean up my email in-box while I was waiting but then I spotted Val. She sat down and kept me company for a half hour, which was good because we had a lot to talk about :)

Then Nan came. Exactly when she said she would :)

And that's all I have to say about that because, as you all know, what's said at Qdoba's stays at Qdobas ;)

Sophia's Injury

I've only been blogging on my phone lately instead of the computer so that's why I've been keeping it short and sweet. I'm back on the computer for a minute so here's the story on how Sophia got hurt the other day.

Zeke's been having a lot of trouble falling down the past few months. I think it's because he isn't working his leg muscles as much during the winter as he is throughout the rest of the year. He mostly sits in school and it's too cold and snowy for him to be playing outside very often. He'd prefer to sit and watch TV 24/7 if I'd let him.

So we've come to a compromise. I let him watch TV downstairs as long as he's walking on the treadmill. He gets TV time and I get him exercising his leg muscles. It's a win/win and it's seemed to make him stronger.

Then there was last week. While Zeke was walking on the treadmill, I ran upstairs to quickly put away the outside chairs and cushions before the big snowstorm. Anthony was helping me so we were done in just a few minute,s but just as we were putting the last chair in the shed, Taylor came to the back door with Sophia, who was screaming at the top of her lungs.

Sophia had decided to climb on the treadmill with Zeke. She didn't have her shirt on and fell. The back of the treadmill is almost to the wall so when she went down, she got caught at the back between the wall and the treadmill. The skin was rubbed right off parts of her back and shoulder. It looked like she had major carpet burns :(

I put aloe on it right away and she didn't wear a shirt the next day. Thankfully, it's healed up rather nicely. Just some red marks left. I felt terrible and it reminded me again that I shouldn't try to multi-task as much as I do.

One sick kid at home & now heading to school to pick up Tay, who just threw up.

On a fun note, when I typed 'heading to school', my phone said I was'heading to Stockholm'. Lol

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Advanced Notice

Conversation I had with Taylor this morning as I was anticipating another day in seclusion:

"Mom, do you like this dress?"

"I really like it but it might be a bit chilly for today."

"But I have to wear it. It's the only nice Christmas dress I have!"

"It's ok. It's not Christmas yet. We still have two weeks.
"Yeah but the church Christmas program is this morning."

Thanks for the advanced notice, Tay.
Don't worry. I still have a whole hour to get all the little kids ready for their program :/

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Kids playing together inside on a cold Saturday. Kinda gives the appearance of a normal family.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Riley's Concert

Left the grade school, arrived at the middle school and now patiently waiting for concert #2 of the evening.
Riley is in the back, second one from the left.
He's playing the marimba.
Love this guy! 

Anthony's Concert

Concert #1 of this evening almost done.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


PS: We did make it to the game.

Brittney bought bananas and then wrote her name on every single one.......just to make sure none of her siblings ate any. Only in my house :/

We have really great tickets to the sdsu basketball game tonight thanks to our orthodontist, and Steve & I were planning on a date night. Unfortunately, Riley is in the middle of a meltdown, threatening to kill himself and telling us we'd better hide the knives.  Don't you wish you had my life?

Anthony's Thought Process

Here's a quick glimpse into Anthony's way of thinking. He has a really hard time understanding how he impacts his world. It's particularly challenging for me to deal with because I feel like he doesn't take responsibility for his actions.

While I was helping him wrap his Christmas gifts for his siblings, he was having trouble wrapping them as nicely as he wanted them to look. Instead of getting frustrated with himself and the fact that he didn't know how to wrap well, he started ripping the paper and yelled, "This present doesn't know how to wrap!"

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tay's Orchestra Concert

This afternoon I came out of a self-imposed seclusion. I hadn't left the house since Thursday. Only came out today because someone really needed me. Currently at Taylor's orchestra concert.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Yet another Christian parent fail

I noticed that when Sophia plays with the Little People nativity set that I get out every Christmas, she keeps referring to the angel as the tooth fairy.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Highlights of the day included a dentist visit, making homemade chicken & wild rice soup, major mom fail in which sophia was hurt pretty badly, cheer parent meeting, Brittney accidentally locked out of her room, Anthony to basketball & back because it was cancelled, Brittney being mean to Taylor which caused a MAJOR Taylor meltdown, etc. If there's no school tomorrow because of the weather, I'll tell the expanded versions. Otherwise I have to work at headstart.

Sitting & waiting for the dentist. I hate the dentist! Just a cleaning but way too invasive. Although it beats having problems later :/

Thanksgiving Pictures

Coby & Sophia
Turkey Dinner

Love the look that Gerald is giving Riley
Taylor & Aubrey
Coby built his own "campfire" outside.
Natalie & Aubrey

Mom's favorite game of Blockus
Brit believes she created a picture of George Washington out of whipped cream and pie.
Gerald & Natalie
Brit & Sophia
 Our family gives Gerald a good workout.
Sophia, Natalie, Brittney & Gerald
Wouldn't be Thanksgiving without some TV time
We introduced Gerald to the game of Pit.
When I told him it was a stock market game, he didn't look impressed,
but good boy that he is, he played anyway.
It's a card game that starts out rather calmly

 It quickly escalates into shouting and grabbing cards.
Eventually, it's all just a blur!!!
My family is awesome!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013


You know it's going to be a challenging day when the first argument you hear is because one kid farted in another kid's cereal  :/

I can't even make this stuff up. There is NEVER a dull moment in our house.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Steve checked at walmart again this morning. Keys found in the walmart parking lot!!!

So yesterday...........

Steve had to work at the bank all morning so it was just Sophia, Taylor and I who went to the funeral. He was only 26 years old and his death was sudden and very unexpected. He was Sophia's bio dad's brother. We went more for the family than from any close connection to him. Sophia's half siblings lived with him most of their lives. They are being raised by their grandma and an adult aunt and another uncle also live there. This uncle, Harold, lived at home until last year when he moved to Sioux Falls.

Sophia's grandma and aunt were surprised but very grateful that we came to the visitation/funeral. I knew it was going to be interesting when the entire Geek Squad in their Geek squad vehicles pulled into the parking lot. Then I spend some time visiting with Sophia's siblings' mom, who I had never met. She and Sophia's mom lived under the same roof with the kids' dad for a while before Sophia was born. It was an interesting situation, to say the least.

This is Davey, Sophia and Allison.

It was definitely not typical funeral. It was held at the funeral home and the first song/video they played for the funeral was something about "Demons". From a full Catholic mass funeral last week to this tested my ability interact in different worlds. You'd think I'd have plenty of practice by now.


On a good note, our new bed finally came yesterday afternoon!
I guess I'll have to learn to share the blankets again ;)
Next project is to re-stain the book shelf and side shelves we made so that they match the bed.


Fast-forward to evening. Steve was going to work at the Swiftel Center for motocross. Riley wanted to get his last two Christmas gifts for his siblings so I thought I could run him to Walmart, grab the special supper I promised him and be back before too long. Brittney was home to watch the other kids for a few minutes in case it took longer than I anticipated.

So we went shopping. Since it was just the two of us, we wandered around more than usual. If there was something Riley wanted to look at, we looked. With lots of kids, that's not something we can usually do. Riley eventually purchased what he needed and we went back out to the van. Unfortunately, we went out the wrong door so we had to journey across the entire parking lot. When we finally got to our van and I reached into my pocket for my keys, I couldn't find them.

I searched my pockets, my purse, in the van, under the van. No luck! So we back-tracked through the parking lot, searching the ground for keys. No luck! We went back into Walmart and retraced our steps. If you want some fun times, try it. Go shopping all over the store, then try to remember exactly where you went and in what order. It's kinda like a big game of memory. However, I don't recommend losing your keys first. You can leave that part out. Anyway, no luck!

Then we checked at the service desk. No luck! You'd be surprised how many people have lost their keys. They had an entire drawer full. Unfortunately, none belonged to my van. They don't really have any great policy for lost keys either. They basically just dump them in the drawer if they're turned in. Nothing about when or where they were found. They probably have some in there from a year ago.

By now Riley is starving. I gave him the choice of eating at the subway in Walmart or walking the mile to his original choice of Guadalajara's. He wanted Mexican. So off we walked. It was cold but not unbearable. On the way, he suggested we call the police. When I asked him why, he merely responded with, "You're supposed to call the police when you need help." I told him we'd try Grandma Sandy first.

But when I called her, she was an hour away in Watertown. So I called my sister. While we waited for her, Riley and I ate and then went shopping/looking at Dunam's, the local sporting goods store. Even though we were both really tired, we made the best of it. When we got bored, we created our own little game of mini golf in their golfing section. We challenged each other with all kinds of weird combinations of shots and used various clubs. The employees were too busy chatting by the registers to even notice us! Another fun recommendation for a cheap and easy way to spend time without spending money. But again, I'd try it when you decide to, not when you have to because you don't have your keys and have no other option.

When my sister came, she drove us back to Walmart because she had some shopping to do. I checked at the service desk for my keys a second time. Again, no luck! By then, Sandy was back in town and she stopped by Walmart and picked us up and took us home. Meanwhile, I had already received two calls from Brittney asking when we'd be back and I could hear loud arguing and fighting in the background.

To make matters even more complicated, when we bought this van last year, it only came with one key. I had another generically made but it only unlocked the door. It doesn't start the van. So we are currently pretty much out of luck until/if they find the keys at Walmart.


On another good note, the kids had fun wrapping the presents they purchased for each other.