Monday, December 16, 2013

Sophia's Injury

I've only been blogging on my phone lately instead of the computer so that's why I've been keeping it short and sweet. I'm back on the computer for a minute so here's the story on how Sophia got hurt the other day.

Zeke's been having a lot of trouble falling down the past few months. I think it's because he isn't working his leg muscles as much during the winter as he is throughout the rest of the year. He mostly sits in school and it's too cold and snowy for him to be playing outside very often. He'd prefer to sit and watch TV 24/7 if I'd let him.

So we've come to a compromise. I let him watch TV downstairs as long as he's walking on the treadmill. He gets TV time and I get him exercising his leg muscles. It's a win/win and it's seemed to make him stronger.

Then there was last week. While Zeke was walking on the treadmill, I ran upstairs to quickly put away the outside chairs and cushions before the big snowstorm. Anthony was helping me so we were done in just a few minute,s but just as we were putting the last chair in the shed, Taylor came to the back door with Sophia, who was screaming at the top of her lungs.

Sophia had decided to climb on the treadmill with Zeke. She didn't have her shirt on and fell. The back of the treadmill is almost to the wall so when she went down, she got caught at the back between the wall and the treadmill. The skin was rubbed right off parts of her back and shoulder. It looked like she had major carpet burns :(

I put aloe on it right away and she didn't wear a shirt the next day. Thankfully, it's healed up rather nicely. Just some red marks left. I felt terrible and it reminded me again that I shouldn't try to multi-task as much as I do.

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