Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bits & Pieces

I'm having a mini-emergency this morning! I've apparently run out of creamer and somehow didn't realize it until I tried to make my coffee. I guess now I'll HAVE to go to the store today.
Yesterday when I took Sophia to the dentist in Sioux Falls, I ended up running into a friend. The dentist was running late but I didn't even notice because we were too busy talking. I think the person sitting next to me thought we were a little crazy because both of us kept referring to the large numbers of kids in our houses (we both have 6) but eventually she just jumped right in to the conversation too. It's getting harder and harder to convince people that I don't like to socialize! Anyway, the new dentist was a good experience and I think I'll switch all of our kids to Sioux Falls.
Last night we had a pasta party. All that's needed is pasta, sauce and friends! I made mac & cheese, chicken nuggets and applesuace for everyone under 10. While they were eating, I made fettuccine alfredo and mixed cheese tortelline for the adults. One of my friends brought french bread and the pasta party was complete! I think somewhere there's a video floating around of me playing Just Dance 3 on the Wii but I've already threatened a painful punishment if it surfaces!
Brittney went to the dance at the Middle School last night. I haven't asked her how it went yet but when I went downstairs a few minutes ago, there were three teenage girls crashed out on the couches. I think they plan to go to the hockey tournament today when they get up. We'll see which small child wakes them up and gets yelled at first. My money's on Taylor.
This morning, Riley, Taylor and Anthony will be going to the SDSU basketball clinic. It's Steve's Saturday morning to work at the bank until noon and then he's at the Swiftel Center this afternoon/evening for a basketball tournament. I'll probably deliver the girls to hockey at some point, pick up and drop off the other three kids at the college and then stay home and do lots of laundry and cleaning.
Yesterday in Sioux Falls I also picked up Steve's stuff for the Summit League Basketball tournament, including two tickets to every game. For the past three years, he's worked in the media room for the tournament and one of the benefits is free tickets, which he gives to me. I thought the friend who went with me the past few years would be busy this year but now she's able to go. She probably needs a little fun distraction anyway since she's having a really rough year and just hit another big bump in the road. I was just going to the games on Saturday and Sunday but now I'm thinking about going on Monday and Tuesday too if our teams qualify. We'll see.
I did get another call from school last night. It's the first one since before Christmas. Except it wasn't for Anthony or Riley. It was Zeke's teacher. I'd already known it might be coming because I ran into one of the TA's after school and she told me what happened. The short version is that Zeke was messing around in class and refusing to do what the teachers asked him to do. Then he was smirking at them when they tried to correct him. Needless to say, that didn't go over well with his main teacher. She and I are definitely on the same page when it comes to Zeke. He tends to try to act cute and get away with things that he knows he shouldn't. He's really smart and knows when there are teachers around who aren't as strict with him and let him get away with things he shouldn't. One of the other issues is that his main resource room teacher is currently out on maternity leave and Zeke doesn't deal with change very well. Hopefully, between his teacher, the other staff and myself, we'll get him turned back around. He wasn't very happy with me after school yesterday when I picked him up right away and didn't let him go to GAP. Consequences, dear boy, consequences.

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