Saturday, June 30, 2012

I can't even really put together cohesive thoughts lately so here's some bullet points:

  • Me:  I hardly got out of bed at all yesterday. I'm just feeling so exhausted that I don't even want to move. It feels like I'm underwater. I don't really even care what the kids are up to. Doesn't really seem to matter anymore anyway. We did the best we could and it all seems to be going down the drain. I have joked that this is one of the worst diet plans I've ever been on. I feel sick to my stomach all the time and have no urge to eat at all. 

  • Anthony: He's ripped up most of Zeke's books and broken most of the toys in their room. We've had to have Zeke sleep on our floor the last two nights so that Anthony doesn't do anything to him. When I wasn't paying attention yesterday, Zeke went into their bedroom and Anthony had him backed in the closet before I could get there. So today I'm moving Zeke's bed and the remainder of his stuff that isn't destroyed into Riley's room downstairs.

  • Riley: He isn't thrilled about Zeke moving into his room but he seems to be taking it well. He helped me move stuff around and then vaccummed. We added to Riley's stress on Thursday evening by forgetting to pick him up on time from baseball. Right now, that was one of the worst things we could have done. He's so paranoid about being removed/taken/left. He was so angry that he wouldn't even talk to us for hours, and every time I tried to get him to talk to me, he pulled away and began to cry. I went downstairs later and he was snuggled into a ball on the couch. I just picked him up and held him in my arms, blanket and all. We just sat and cried together.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

No news from Social Services. We've heard nothing. You all will be the first to know if we hear anything :)
We're still in the middle of really yucky behaviors with our kids. Zeke, who loves school, refused to get on the bus this morning. He clung to me. I had to walk up the bus steps with him, pry his arms from around me and pass him off to his bus driver Maggie, who he always loves.
Her words were, "He's reverted back to a few years ago!" Yep. That's exactly what's happening. Everything we've worked so hard for - to provide security and love for these kids - has been pulled out from under them. At least that's what it feels like to them. And to me too. I've lost all faith in the system.

Fortunately, I haven't lost faith in God. And God has provided our awesome lawyer Jared!

God has also provide a wonderful support system. The kids loved that my sister brought over pizza for supper. My folks spent most of Tuesday here with us, brought lunch, helped with kids here and then took three of the kids (Riley, Tay & Zeke) home with them Tuesday night and all day Wednesday to give Steve & I some time off. I needed it because I literally have nothing left to give. There was no way I could effectively parent normal behaviors after that day, much less the extreme behaviors that we are currently seeing.

We also continue to receive verbal support from friends and others in the community. As much as it hurts to have everyone at social services turn their backs on us (with one notable exception, you know who you are :), it's been so encouraging to have the kind words of support from those that know us. It's what's keeping us afloat right now.

Anthony is now fully aware of the control he has in this situation. He was running away from my parents at bedtime while the social worker was here and he's been doing his little head cock so show that he thinks he can do what ever he wants. Petty much everything in his room is destroyed, torn apart or broken. He just keeps yelling at everyone that everyone hates him. The worst part is, I refuse to touch him or let anyone else touch him. Which goes against everything I know he needs psychologically. But right now we can't afford to have him make even the slightest additional allegation. So the child who needs touch the most is the one we aren't touching at all. How sad is that?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Social worker didn't leave our house until 9pm last night. More on that later. I'm exhausted. According to her, she has 45 days to complete this initial assessment. I'm not giving her that long. This is ridiculous! By the way, here is a picture taken within 24 hours of the alleged incident. Look very closely under his right eye. That little mark is what all this fuss is about!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Brief Update

All of the kids' interviews with the social worker are done and Steve and our lawyer are meeting with her now. They've been meeting for an hour and 30 minutes so far. I guess that's ok since it's the first time that anyone has so much as asked him what happened. My turn is next. I just told my mom that it'll be ok because God and Jared are in control :) (Jared is our lawyer)
We're in the midst of a behavior storm with all of our children, with the notable exception of the one child that instigated all of this. Brittney is angry and being really mouthy to everyone. Riley was initially scared but I think I've talked him through a lot of stuff. Now he just cries at the drop of a hat over everything. Taylor is really clingy and is also having extreme physical outbursts. This morning, Riley kicked Taylor and then Taylor ran her fingernails down Riley's arm. Zeke has been trying to get as close to me as possible. During the meeting this morning, I told him if he snuggled any closer to me, we'd become one person! Sophia is just confused. I believe she senses the tension in the house but has no idea what's really causing it. She just has bouts of crying and clinging to me, Steve or Riley but sometimes she's fine. None of this seems to bother Anthony at all, except for the fact that we've placed an "invisible bubble" around him and neither Steve or I or any of the kids are allowed to touch him. With all his extreme sensory issues, we can't affort to have him make any other accusations right now. It's the worst possible thing for him psychologically but we've got to protect the rest of the family for right now. It's the position that we've been placed in.
Great to have supportive friends around this morning during Sophia's B-3 meeting.
Interviews with social worker done: Brittney, Anthony and Zeke is downstairs with her now. Funniest moment for Brit was when the worker asked if her significant other is a boy or a girl.
I'm headed to Sioux Falls now and will be leaving the rest of the kids with Steve and my mom.
Thanks for all the prayers. Keep them coming!!!

Today's Schedule

7am - 9am : Brittney has cheer practice
8:30-10am : Sophia's Early Childhood teacher will be here
10-11am : The Birth to 3 team will be here for Sophia's IFSP meeting, including the teacher, physical therapist, EHS teacher and the supervisor.
10am : Social worker from Huron arrives to begin interviews.
11am : Sophia's physical therapist works with her in our home
11am : Steve meets with our lawyer to prevent any surprises
1-3pm : Brittney has gymnastics practice in Sioux Falls
2:30pm : Anthony and I meet with his therapist in Sioux Falls
4pm : Steve, with our lawyer present, is questioned by the social worker. Ironically, this is the first time since the alleged incident occured that anyone has asked him what actually happened. She said that it will probably take at least an hour. We decided to make sure our lawyer was present because we used to have some trust in the system but we don't anymore. We want to make sure that social services doesn't become so interested in justifying their position that we get "thrown under the proverbial bus".  And don't worry about our lawyer......he's really good! He's gotten the better of social services in court before :)
5pm : I return from Sioux Falls and begin my interview with the social worker.
5:30pm: Riley has baseball practice.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Part 1

I was hoping that I could write this and say that everything was fine but that isn’t exactly the case.

Here’s the story. It’s a long one so settle in.

Part 1:  A Little Bit of Anthony’s History:

It begins with a little two year old boy named Anthony. From the time this little boy was born until he was nine months old, he spent most of his time in a car seat. By that point, he was labeled as a failure to thrive baby because, among other things, he had very little muscle tone, wasn’t hitting developmental milestones and wouldn’t look people in the eye.  He didn’t appear to have any kind of emotional bond with either of his bio parents at all. His family had been known to Social Services since the birth of his brother and the department had an ongoing relationship with the family. The family had issues with alcohol, drugs, neglect, physical abuse, unemployment, homelessness - the kids even lived with mom in her car for a while.

Anthony was placed in state custody shortly after it was discovered that he had a skull fracture, which was unexplained by the bio parents. He lived for a while with dad and then a bio grandma, who wasn’t able to care for all three little boys, especially with the significant needs of the other two boys (that’s another story for another time). He was then placed in foster care with a family that had other special needs foster children and also ran a daycare.  About two months later, the other two boys were removed and placed in a different foster home.

Anthony was placed with us for adoption at the age of 23 months, just one month short of his second birthday. For three or four months, we had visits with the boys. We would meet the foster parents in Sioux Falls and transfer the kids from one vehicle to another. Anthony would panic during every transfer, no matter which way he was going. The boys would be with us for anywhere from a few hours to an overnight stay to a four day weekend stay. Eventually, Anthony’s foster mom said the transitions were too hard on him and pushed social services to hurry the switch in placement so he didn’t have to shuffle back and forth all the time, which was really confusing for him.

For the first six months he lived with us, he would cry whenever someone came to our door with a coat on because he thought he had to go with them. I rocked him to sleep every night just to try to keep a close physical contact with him and let him know I was there for him. He continued to have panic attacks at the mention of his bio mom’s name and with certain other triggers, which we weren’t always aware of until after he panicked. The fall season in general is a huge trigger for all three of our boys, but that’s another post for another time too.

Some of the things we thought were cute when Anthony was little, when we look back, were actually significant clues to his thought process. Even at the age of two, when something would happen, Anthony always blamed someone or something else. When he would be running, stumble and hit the wall, he would point his finger at the wall and yell at it in baby babble because it was the walls fault. He would do the same thing with toys that he broke. Needless to say, the older he gets, the more of a challenge this presents, especially in a school setting.

Anthony also has significant sensory issues. He touches anything and everything, including people. He seems to have no concept of the feelings they have about the extent of his touch. At the same time, it’s nothing for a teacher, parent, sibling or another adult to try to guide Anthony and have him yell that they’re hurting him. He truly believes that it hurts. He’s not lying. His sensory input just seems to be all messed up. Thanks again bio parents. Anthony has also had a very hard time accepting any kind of authority and it seems to be getting worse the older he gets. He seems to have very little concept of consequences of his own behavior. His teacher, his therapist and I all agree he has some degree of reactive attachment disorder and oppositional defiant disorder and very possibly some degree of fetal alcohol effect (a lesser form of fetal alcohol syndrome) which makes it hard for him to reason and draw conclusions. I’d blog about those but I’m running out of time so just utilize my good friend Google if you want more info on them J. Anthony’s actually a very smart little boy and he looks very “normal” so it’s hard for some people to comprehend the extent of his issues unless they spend an extended amount of time with him, which makes it extra difficult in situations like this.

The short version is that Anthony had a mark under his eye (not really even a bruise or a scratch) which he received when Steve was trying to cover his mouth when Anthony was screaming at the top of his lungs  - after repeatedly being warned to be quiet at night when Zeke was already asleep. Anthony pulled away and Steve’s hand left the mark. BTW: The screaming began because Anthony was asked to put his pajamas on because it was bedtime. Then Anthony proceeded to very publically announce to anyone who would listen that Dad hit him. And that folks, is reportable.

There is a full-fledged investigation which will occur all day tomorrow by a social worker from Huron. As soon as I have time to download it, I’ll post a picture of Anthony taken less than 24 hours after the alleged incident. You’ll have to see if you can even make out the mark.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Still under investigation.................I'll blog the full story today or tomorrow.  The short version is that Social Services panicked over a report they received and they are now trying to cover themselves.
As I've told concerned people, it WILL all be resolved, but it's a matter of just how much our family's life will be messed up in the process. Sophia's adoption is on hold, per social services.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Riley doesn't want to even want to set foot outside our house today.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I was hoping to post pictures and fun stories from Camp K but instead I'm posting a short post about why I'm not posting. Our family is currently being investigated by the Dept of Social Services for physically abusing our children. I typed a whole long post with the whole long story but I decide to say screw it on explanations and deleated the whole post. It's the nature of the game when you chose to parent children with difficult issues. Unfortunately, I thought DSS knew us better than that but I was proven wrong. If you want the full story, talk to me.

The short version is that if we survive this even remotely intact, by OUR CHOICE, will NEVER again foster or adopt have anything to do with the system that is now creating chaos in our family.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Camp K

Our family is heading out of town this weekend for our annual Camp K trip. I would have placed an exclamation point after that last sentence but I haven't had my full cup of coffee yet and my enthusiasm level isnt where it should be yet.

Camp Kaleidoscope is a camp for families who have adopted. We're all going except Sophia - the age requirement is 5 years old, so she's too little. She'll be staying at our house with my parents.

Normally when we take a family trip, I start packing early and this week is no exception. I usually pack one child per day and then put their suitcase in the van so they can't take anything out. We've had a few trips where I thought everything Taylor needed was in her suitcase only to discover that she had removed something. Now I pack her last. Anyway, on Monday Brittney decided she wanted to earn money becase she needed a new leo for gymnastics on Tuesday. She asked me if there was anything she could do around the house to earn money. I didn't really have anything for her because I already have most of the kid-friendly chores divided up between the kids and there is no payment involved. She kept bugging me so I looked at my list. I decided there was no reason she couldn't pack the younger kids so I gave her a list of things that needed to be in each suitcase and she washed clothes, folded and put away and packed for Anthony & Zeke. I gave her $5 per kid and it was the best ten dollars I spent all week. It's Thursday morning and we now have suitcases ready for Anthony, Zeke and Taylor. Today Riley will work on his and I'll pack myself. Steve's on his own but I might be nice and throw his laundry in the washing machine for him.

The camp begins Friday afternoon and runs through Sunday early afternoon. Brittney has some kind of cheer choreography camp tomorrow morning in Sioux Falls and I need to return the wheelchair accessible van for Camp Adventure so I'll go to Sioux Falls early with Brittney and then come back home. Steve is working until noon tomorrow and Zeke has Camp Adventure so I'll have everything ready to go so that we can pull out of town around noon. We'll pick up Brittney on the way and then be on our way to camp.

It's only a couple of hours away but the kids like to get there early enough to swim in the pool before the camp activities actually begin. It works out well because I like to organize everything in the cabin and it's much easier to do when the kids are busy. Once camp starts, they have organized family activities, group sessions and free family time. They break up the the kids' sessions by age groups. I really enjoy the parent sessions at camp. It's usually informative and then the discussion with other adoptive parents is priceless. I've made some great connections over the past 4 years.

I can't wait to post some pictures of Camp K.

It's almost 7am and I don't have ANY kids awake yet! See, I've had more coffee so I'm bringing out the exclamation point :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm too confused and tired to blog today so I'm letting other people's pictures entertain me tonight. It was a really long day and the kids really wanted put my parenting abilities to the test today.
Also, if any of you knew Missy Hellman Ratliff Quittem,her parents both passed away in a carbon monoxide accident on their boat. Please keep her family in your prayers.
This one's just for you, Nan!

Just finished an hour long in-person chat with our friendly neighborhood Social Services Regional Manager. I'm trying to figure out how involved to be in the foster parent recruitment process.
I love the comments when people find out that Steve & I are foster parents. Everything from "I could never do that" to "you are amazing" to "I've always thought about doing that". Granted, it's not for everyone but you'd be surprised that it's not nearly as hard as you'd think.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The tile and the toilet are in!


Riley went to the Club at 7:30am.

Taylor and Anthony were playing cards. When I asked what they were doing, Taylor told me they were playing War, but she made sure to explain to me that it was a card game, not really war.

Sophia had an Early Headstart visit at 8:30am with Val and her supervisor (who, incidently, is also my supervior now).  When I was giving her a quick tour of our house, I forgot that Brittney was still home. The look on Brit's face when Libby and I turned on the light in her room and woke her up was priceless!

Zeke headed to Camp Adventure at 8:45am. Today they're going to the Children's Museum, Tie-dying T-shirts and attending a magic show.

I need to get lunch going for the kids that are still home since we'll need to leave for Sioux Falls around 11:30. I convinced my mom to ride along so I can pick up a wheel-chair accessible van for Camp Adventure while we're there. Brittney and her friend Ashley have gymnastics from 1-4pm and Anthony has his therapy appointment at 2:30pm, both in Sioux Falls

Thankfully, Riley just has baseball practice tonight and not a game so I won't have to be back quite so quickly.

We're also in the process of packing for Camp K this weekend. That's the adoption camp that we attend every year. We'll be leaving on Friday and will be home Sunday evening.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Flexible Schedule

It's been nice to have a fairly flexible schedule so far this summer. I don't even feel guilty when other parents ask me if my kids are signed up for swimming lessons, summer library program, sports, etc. It's not that I don't like those programs - trust me, we've participated in them every year and they're awesome. They keep the kids busy, they help them learn, they promote teamwork. But this summer I really wanted my kids to really be able to play and just be kids.

There are a number of bonuses to this:
The kids are learning to use their imaginations to come up with fun things to do.
I'm not always dragging kids to one of their siblings activities and making them sit there until it's over.
I'm saving a ton on gas money.
I don't feel so overwhelmed after the school year that I have just finished.
I'm can usually make time for my friends to come over.
And my personal favorite, we're able to have neighborhood kids over all the time. We have time to play with kids that we otherwise wouldn't have much time for. I love spending time with my friends and their kids, but let's be honest, those kids already have a really good support system. My heart is for those kids that really need someone in their life. I love having the house and backyard where all the kids love to hang out.

Although I'll be the first to admit, it makes it really difficult to keep the house clean!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Last night after the younger kids were in bed and Steve was downstairs watching the championship basketball game, Brittney and I sat in my bed with the computer and read funny stuff. We were laughing so hard I thought we were going to wake everyone up! I love that we can laugh together!

Brittney Says

Brittney's Tweet this morning:

I wake up. I'm the only one home and every light/electricial device is on

Discussion at the dining room table after church.

Zeke - "Mom, you're my best mom ever!"
Brittney - "Whatever. She's your only..............Oh. Just kidding. Never mind."

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I think my daily to-do lists are getting too mundane, and laundry and kids appointments are getting boring. So I have a new to-do list for this week.
And for those of you who know me really you think I'll make it through all ten?  ;)

1. Make vanilla pudding. Put in mayo jar. Eat in public.
2. Hire two private investigators. Get them to follow each other.
3. Wear shirt that says "Life." Hand out lemons on street corner.
4. Get into a crowded elevator and say, "I bet you're all wondering why I gathered you here today."
5. Major in philosophy. Get job at McDonalds. Ask people WHY they would like fries with that.
6. Run into a store. Ask what year it is. When someone answers, yell, "It worked!" and run out cheering.
7. Become a doctor. Change last name to Acula.
8. Change name to Simon. Speak in the third person.
9.Buy a parrot. Teach the parrot to say "Help! I've been turned into a parrot!"
10. Follow joggers around in car blasting "Eye of the Tiger" for encouragement.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Riley Says

When I was dropping Riley off at the Club this morning, I asked him if he wanted to go to the wedding on Saturday. He inquired, "Will there be goods?"
"Yeah, you know, like really good food. If there is, then I'm going."

I thought the girl at the front desk was going to fall off her chair from laughing so hard! I told her she should hang out at our house. She'd get to hear all kinds of entertaining conversations!
I only have four things on my to-do list today.
1) Respond to Brooke's text
2) Help Zeke with his laundry
3)Deposit a check
4)Help Sara and Ashley move.

Although I probably should make it five and add shave my legs!
Ok. An hour and a half later..........It's no longer quiet in the house and I think I've heard "MOM!!!!" 1,248 times already..........I ran out of creamer so I had to resort to milk and sugar in my coffee.........Taylor tattled that Anthony had flooded one of my plants with water and then Anthony exclaimed, "We'll I'm about to explode my anger issues and I have way more anger issues than you!"................I realized that my razor was in the upstairs bathtub, which is at the far end of the bathroom that has newly layed tile that can't be stepped on for 24 hours............I also realized that my husband and kids had taken every single towel out of the downstairs bathroom, AFTER I had already taken a shower and needed one. Ever tried drying yourself off with your pj shirt?
Yet another day that you can be glad you read the deep thoughts on my blog! :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Everyone Has a Story if You Take the Time to Listen

Tonight I met a lady with an interesting story. She is raising her grandaughter and lives just down the street from us. The little girl was in Anthony's class in school. Last night when I met the little girl, Hannah, for the first time, I asked her her name. She told me. I asked where she lived and she rattled off her address and calmly followed that with "I have 8 brothers that live in Kentucky, my mom didn't want me and my dad's in jail. I have anger issues."

And that's not even a fraction of the story I heard tonight from her grandma when Steve invited her in to visit for a while. We ended up talking to her for an hour. I might post more on this story later but I need to think through how much to blog about someone else's life. I might have to be pretty generic about the information I share.

We're going to take the little girl to church with us on Sunday because she's really hungry for friendships and also because church is important to the grandma. Did I mention that we've been to Bethel Baptist Church the last two Sundays? But that's another post for another time :)
Our friends Dave & Sandy came over this evening and started laying the tile in the bathroom.
They'll be back on Saturday to cut the edge pieces.

This is a my biological grandparents and all their children.
My mom is in the back, second from the left.
And no, the picture wasn't taken in 2008!
Probably around 1976. 
I got this from one of my cousins.

It's 9am and I'm sitting outside on the back deck with my computer, a cup of coffee and watching seven children playing in the backyard.  My oldest daughter is still sleeping and my oldest son is downstairs learning to do magic tricks. It's a beautiful day! I think today will be a pool day!
I think it's funny that my relatives are posting stuff from our childhood on facebook about the bear named Zack. Apparently one of the relatives was telling her friends about Zack and the stories she was relating and remembering were kind of unbelievable so she started doubting if the bear really existed. Seriously, who keeps a bear as a pet? So she asked and then tagged a bunch of our relatives. It was fun to hear what people are remembering about him. A cousin, either Mark or Kevin, had him since he was a little cub.
My favorite memory of Zach was when he was older and much bigger and I was maybe 10 years old or so. My mom was nervous about letting us near him because he had gotten so big. My friend Marin and I rode our bikes the mile to visit him. We opened the enclosed cage/pen and went inside to play with him. It had rained recently so the ground was a bit muddy. Zack rose up on his back legs while I was turned around and put his big paws on my back. We left the cage soon after that and I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out how I was going to explain the huge muddy pawprints on the back of my white shirt. They never did come out! :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Just realized it's Wednesday evening and I haven't posted since Monday. This morning I was too tired because Brittney got home from DC at midnight last night and she was full of energy and stories. Thankfully, Amy brought over coffee and danishes this morning and that woke me up a bit. Another friend came over later and I drank some more coffee while we chatted. The rest of the day was pretty normal.
 Then this afternoon I received a phone call that made me incredibly angry. It wasn't so much the content of the call but more the tone and intent of the person calling. Thankfully, I was able to go out for supper and vent about what was making me so angry. Now I feel much better! I'm still not sure exactly what I'm going to do about it but at least I'm not angry anymore :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Missing Ring

So known only to myself and Steve, and Sara as of yesterday, my wedding ring has been missing. The only two places that I ever have it are on my finger and on the hat of a little mexican guy that sits on the top of our tall dresser. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember the last time I had it on my finger because I haven't been wearing it with all the bathroom painting and construction we're doing. It had probably been 3 or 4 days since I remembered having it on. I was really hoping that it hadn't gotten bumped off the dresser and fallen in the trash somehow. I looked on the floor and this morning Steve dug through the little trash can that's beside the dresser. No luck!
Today I have only two kids at home so I'm doing some cleaning that didn't get done over the weekend. First I tackled the kitchen because it was driving me nuts. Then I headed into Taylor and Sophia's room. It's easier to get rid of stuff when Taylor's not around. In the process, I decided to throw away all the beads that she had rolling around in drawers and on the floor. As I was scooping millions of tiny beads out of a drawer, I noticed a ring! Definitely mine! Taylor is in SOOOOO much trouble! What else is new?!

Part of the reason nothing got done on the bathroom project yesterday is that our neighbors gave us quite a bit of free mulch. So Steve, Tayor and Riley got to mess around on the four wheeler and bring it back for me. Then they got to shovel it all in but it looks good and it was free!

I currently have two girls gone (Brit in DC and Tay at a sleepover), two boys at The Club (Riley & Zeke), one little girl still sleeping (Sophia) and one very mad boy (Anthony) unloading the dishwasher. I was already able to clean the kitchen from the disaster it had become over the weekend. I have a lot to post about but I think I'm going to try to finish my current book while it's still quiet. Here's an inkling of what I still need to post about so I don't forget: making a spectacle of myself at McDonalds, my wedding ring, trying a different church, Steve's backwards progress on the bathroom, etc.
On a positive note, I now have my email inbox under 500. Still working on deleating, filing and responding, so no one send me anything new that I need to respond to for at least a week!  :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bits and Pieces

  • There is a bonus to our "redneck baby gate" ; ie: the board across the end of the walkway on our front deck that keeps Sophia from running into the driveway. When the Jehovah's Witnesses came by yesterday, they couldn't figure out how to get to our door to ring the doorbell. They didn't know if they could move the board across the bottom of our deck and go through, or if they should go through the door in the garage, which they were too polite to do anyway. At least four of my kids were playing Clue at the dining room table and they all got up and went to the window to watch!
  • Sophia, who had seen Riley right before she went to bed last night, stood at the top of the stairs first thing this morning and yelled, "RiRi Jo! Miss you!"
  • I am so glad the sheet rock part of our bathroom project is done because I'm tired of a coat of dust over everything in our house.
  • We've been grilling so much Steve's mom felt sorry for us and took Steve to find a new heating element for his grill last night. I guess there will be even more grilling in our future!
  • Riley, while being agravated by his (biological) little brother this morning: "Why did you even adopt this loser!?" 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Brit's DC Trip

Brittney sent me pictures from her trip so far but I can't figure out how to get them from my phone messages onto my computer. For some reason, they won't save on my phone. Maybe Steve can figure it out when he's not busy putting in the Hardy Board in the bathroom (that's the flooring that the tile will adhere to). She did get to see AirForce 1 and Obama in Minneapolis at the airport. Brittney's plane was delayed from taking off because he was coming in.

Friday, June 1, 2012

DC Trip

Brittney headed off to Washington DC this morning. Two of the busses pulled out at 4am to catch their flights in Sioux Falls.
