Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Riley went to the Club at 7:30am.

Taylor and Anthony were playing cards. When I asked what they were doing, Taylor told me they were playing War, but she made sure to explain to me that it was a card game, not really war.

Sophia had an Early Headstart visit at 8:30am with Val and her supervisor (who, incidently, is also my supervior now).  When I was giving her a quick tour of our house, I forgot that Brittney was still home. The look on Brit's face when Libby and I turned on the light in her room and woke her up was priceless!

Zeke headed to Camp Adventure at 8:45am. Today they're going to the Children's Museum, Tie-dying T-shirts and attending a magic show.

I need to get lunch going for the kids that are still home since we'll need to leave for Sioux Falls around 11:30. I convinced my mom to ride along so I can pick up a wheel-chair accessible van for Camp Adventure while we're there. Brittney and her friend Ashley have gymnastics from 1-4pm and Anthony has his therapy appointment at 2:30pm, both in Sioux Falls

Thankfully, Riley just has baseball practice tonight and not a game so I won't have to be back quite so quickly.

We're also in the process of packing for Camp K this weekend. That's the adoption camp that we attend every year. We'll be leaving on Friday and will be home Sunday evening.

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