Saturday, June 30, 2012

I can't even really put together cohesive thoughts lately so here's some bullet points:

  • Me:  I hardly got out of bed at all yesterday. I'm just feeling so exhausted that I don't even want to move. It feels like I'm underwater. I don't really even care what the kids are up to. Doesn't really seem to matter anymore anyway. We did the best we could and it all seems to be going down the drain. I have joked that this is one of the worst diet plans I've ever been on. I feel sick to my stomach all the time and have no urge to eat at all. 

  • Anthony: He's ripped up most of Zeke's books and broken most of the toys in their room. We've had to have Zeke sleep on our floor the last two nights so that Anthony doesn't do anything to him. When I wasn't paying attention yesterday, Zeke went into their bedroom and Anthony had him backed in the closet before I could get there. So today I'm moving Zeke's bed and the remainder of his stuff that isn't destroyed into Riley's room downstairs.

  • Riley: He isn't thrilled about Zeke moving into his room but he seems to be taking it well. He helped me move stuff around and then vaccummed. We added to Riley's stress on Thursday evening by forgetting to pick him up on time from baseball. Right now, that was one of the worst things we could have done. He's so paranoid about being removed/taken/left. He was so angry that he wouldn't even talk to us for hours, and every time I tried to get him to talk to me, he pulled away and began to cry. I went downstairs later and he was snuggled into a ball on the couch. I just picked him up and held him in my arms, blanket and all. We just sat and cried together.

1 comment:

  1. :( Saying lots of prayers for this nightmare to be over soon... <3
