I'm extremely irritable today. I think it started last night when Brittney, who is a 14 year old girl, went balistic when she realized that Sophia, who is almost 3, had been in her bathroom and gotten into her makeup. It was kind of like the story of the three bears when they discovered Goldilocks in their house. I thought Brittney was going to either chase Sophia out of the house or eat her alive. She did, in fact, take away Sophia's ice cream. It was pathatic to see Sophia sitting there at the table with her spoon and tears running down her face.
Sometime during the night, when all children are supposed to be peacefully sleeping, Brittney went into Riley's room and put up hundreds of pieces of masking tape all over. Each one said, "Brittney was here". She was mad that Riley took her frosting into his room last week and ate it all. Did I mention we still deal with stealing/hoarding?
This morning, Brittney was again in fine form. She was screaming at pretty much anyone who had the misfortune to be anywhere near her.
Oh, and did I mention that Zeke stole from the grocery store while he was with Grandma and Grandpa yesterday? I'm not kidding when I say that we have to to keep an eye on that kid literally 24/7. He either has to be with Steve or I or be in his room where there's nothing to steal but his own stuff. Or Anthony's stuff.....but we check his pockets, hands and mouth before he comes out or goes in. And he's also pretty good at lying about it. When the other kids were asking him about his time at Grandma's, Zeke told them an elaborate story about seeing a 12 year old boy get caught stealing at the grocery story.
I'm also a bit upset about another issue. Sometimes Steve's sister Staci doesn't realize the emotional devastation that she leaves in her wake. There's a story there but I'm not going to elaborate about someone else's story.
Sophia spent another Sunday service with her Mom and mom's boyfriend at our church. I'm glad they're part of her life (another blog for another time) and especially glad that they're choosing to come to church but it's like having two more needy children. Then a bunch of her bio relatives came over yesterday evening right at supper time.
Added to all of that is a complicated schedule for this afternoon. I'll need to go to work in a few minutes so I need to figure it out soon. I've got to take Brittney to her first PT at the clinic at 3:45pm (can't just drop her off because it's the first appointment and they need all the insurance/medical info), get Zeke off the bus at home at 3:50pm (remember, he can't go to The Club) and get Taylor to piano lessons at 4pm. Then we just need to make supper before Riley's basketball at 6:45pm. I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to do it all yet. I think I can pick up all the kids at Camelot, including Zeke, right after school, drop the boys, sans Zeke, off at home, drop Tay off at piano early and then take Zeke with Brittney and I to physical therapy.
Yesterday I was so tired that I accidently shut off my alarm and didn't wake up until 9:07am. I didn't want to miss my Sunday morning class and video so I flew into the shower and rushed to church. Riley was ready so I took him with me and we made it there by 9:20!
After writing this, I think I'm grumpy because I'm just physically and emotionally exhausted. I think I need a break. But how do you take a break when so many people are depending on you? My therapist would probably say that you have to take care of your self before you have the energy to take care of others. Hmmmmm. Easier said than done.
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