Friday, November 16, 2012

Ø The reason Zeke was kicked out of the Boys & Girls Club:

Zeke stole three things in one day last week and then he stole again yesterday. Last time, he took a pop that a kid had in the lunchroom. The staff talked to him about it. Then he went into a staff member’s office and took $3. Again, they caught him and talked to him about it. Then later that afternoon, he went into the lunchroom unsupervised and took another kid’s pizza. This time they talked to him and made him sit in the back hallway for a while. The next time he went back, Wednesday, he again stole from a staff member.
Their solution was to tell Zeke that he couldn’t come back to The Club for two days. I guess for a regular kid who wants to go that might be an appropriate consequence but Zeke 1)usually only goes on Wed and Fridays anyway, 2)should have had an immediate consequence that he would remember 3) should have been better supervised to begin with 4)does not have the same understanding of later consequences that other kids have. He probably won’t even remember by next week why it was that he couldn’t go this week. So the whole thing was really only a consequence for me since I’m the one that had to take him to Sioux Falls today to sit through Anthony’s therapy appointment. The unfortunate part of the whole thing is that it probably has less to do with stealing than it does with hoarding. Even yesterday when Anthony let Zeke choose some candy from his therapist, Zeke refused to eat it and just wanted to put it in his pocket. Bring on the effects of child trauma yet again.

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