Friday, December 28, 2012

You'd think since I'm not working during Christmas vacation,
I'd have lots of time for blogging on the computer.
Not so much.
But here are a few random Christmas pictures I managed to remember to take ;)
We spent Christmas Eve with Steve's side of the family at our house, attended the evening candlelight service and then had soup and cookies at our house.
The morning of Christmas is reserved for our family at home and then we joined my family for the afternoon/evening.
Other than Taylor waking everyone up at 3:30am and then then again at 6:30am on Christmas morning, I think everyone had a nice holiday week.
Taylor & Sophia
Taylor watching Sophia paint her Christmas gift for Mommy Rachel.
Grandma Sandy & Sophia
Riley wanted military stuff for Christmas.
Looks pretty good, doesn't he?
Zeke at the Christmas Eve candlelight service.
Riley & Anthony with their new 3D DS's.
They even let me take a turn!
The big boys playing with the little boy's new toy!
Grandma, Grandpa & Anthony
Christmas wouldn't be complete without a family game!
Sophia is turning three!
Her birthday party will be held this Sunday at 4 pm at the Days Inn.
Family and friends are welcome to help us celebrate.
If you want to swim, please bring your own towel.
Message me if you want more information :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Praise to the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,
who comforts us in all our troubles,
so that we can comfort those in any trouble
with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
II Cor 1:3-4 
Just a friendly reminder that the Mayan calendar ends tonight.  So if you have any Mayan friends, a new calendar would make an EXCELLENT Christmas gift. :)

Christmas Vacation

I'm officially on Christmas vacation! Today we're tackling the house because it's a disaster and we all know how much I like to live in choas. Not!!! Gifts are all under the tree and just stocking stuffers left to purchase. Steve's working today and I'm comandeering all the children. I intend to stay in my sweats all day!
A few posts that will be coming up as I work on laundry, cookies and the house in general:

Furnace quitting right before Christmas
Special gift cards
Sophia and Christmas
Potential school battle I talked about earlier
Guatemala funds and trip update
I might even get personal and blog something deep and insightful. Don't hold your breath though ;)

"He who controls others may be powerful
but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."
~Lao Tzu
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience
in which you really stop to look fear in the face.
You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."
~Eleanor Roosevelt
As I get older, I'm realizing that it's a lot easier to face what you fear when someone comes along side you. The bonus is that after a fear has been faced together, it's a lot easier to face it alone when it comes up again.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Pics.of Taylor at ortho

Getting out on January,28 2013
Just got done Today at 8:00am     



To Aunt Sharon

To Aunt Sharon:  Your comment yesterday really made me laugh! Which I needed :)

Zeke Says

Grandma Sandy:  "Zeke, what do you want for Christmas?"
Zeke: "I want a twin brother."

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The good................

Good.........every child had a bath or shower last night in preperation for church tomorrow.

Not so towel was missing from my hook in the bathroom this morning, which I didn't notice until after I took a shower. In fact, there weren't any towels on any of the hooks or anywhere else in the bathroom.

Good................I checked under the sink and was blessed to find one clean, folded towel in the appropriate spot.

Not so was a tiny hand towel.
Someday I dream of a world where I can take an uninterupted shower and have my clean, dry, fluffy towel waiting for me! I think it'll be a few years.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Needed something a bit lighter
so I could continue my relaxing day after typing the last post :)
The other night I received a phone call from a distraught friend. I'm not going to give a lot of specifics (and please don't ask me) because, like I said before, a significant portion of the story isn't mine.
The short version is that they have adopted children and one of their children is really struggling right now. And when a child struggles, the whole family struggles. As I was driving around in the dark helping to seek their lost child, there were a lot of thoughts going through my head. I was worried because it was so cold. I was also very concerned because I knew the child was frightened. Even though the child portrayed anger and ran, the real issue is a deep sense of loss and not being able to trust anyone, which turned into a fight or flight situation.

I knew that there was little hope of finding the child unless they wanted to be found or unless God intervened. God and I had a long conversation that night. As much as I wanted to find the child and help keep them safe, I also knew that it was more important for the parents to pursue the child and show the child that they cared enough seek the child. (Side note: It's really hard to type a cohesive story without using he/she and specific information)

I also came to the conclusion that I needed to be open and honest with the parents about what I had felt as a child and what I feel now. I have the advantage of being able to use my voice now like I never could when I was younger. I can give them some bit of insight into what their child is probably feeling. Because their child doesn't have the words yet either. In fact, they probably don't even know why they feel so angry and lost.

So after the child was brought home safely (THANK YOU GOD!), I gave my friends a hug and talked to them for a few minutes about what their child was probably feeling. I don't ever have a problem talking about my adoption in specific facts but I never really discuss the feelings associated with it. But I knew it was important in this situation to be as open and transparent as possible for this child and these parents.

I also have the advantage of being not only an adopted child but also an adoptive parent. I could also cry with them and tell them I'm sorry that it's so hard and reassure them they are good parents.

They have a long road ahead of them so please keep their family in your prayers. And if you have a little extra time, maybe ours too :)
I'm looking forward to a semi-relaxing day today. But I'm prepared to be flexible if something comes up that's not on my agenda :)  The old me wouldn't have been so flexible but there's much less stress when my expectations aren't so high.
Sophia and I are spending the day together. All the big kids are already at school and our next scheduled event isn't until 9:30am so we've got an hour to relax. Sophia's watching Max & Ruby and I'm drinking coffee and blogging. Then we'll head to SDSU for PALS, which is part of the early headstart program. We'll play/participate there until 11:30am, have some lunch and then drive over to Camelot for Riley's first band concert at 12:30pm. After that, we're free for the afternoon. I see a nap in Sophia's future and some reading in mine!
Tonight, Riley is spending the night with a friend, Anthony is going to The Club and Steve will actually be home. So after gymnastics at 6pm, Brittney and I are going to do some Christmas shopping together. She's looking forward to it and so am I now that we received some gift cards to use.
Last night after all the little kids were in bed and Steve was still working at the Swiftel Center, Brittney ordered pizza and we settled on the couch downstairs and watched a few episodes of Criminal Minds together. She loves the show but she always fast-forwards the gory part at the begining. Interesting that my girly-girl won't watch the sappy Halmark or Lifetime movies with me but she does want to watch CM. Of course, she's also always trying to get me to watch the singing and dancing shows too!

Sophia and her cousin Adaya
(Her bio Aunt Amanda's daughter)
I'm not kidding when I say that Sophia loves her bible!
She wouldn't even let go of it to sleep.
The hooks are up in the back entry.
Now we actually have room for the coats, backpacks, snowpants and gloves.
Next we'll be putting up shelves but that might be a while yet
since we need to get through Christmas first.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tough, tough night last night. Most of the story isn't mine but part of it is. I was able to open up with some friends at a very necessary time, giving them my time and sharing some of my past to try to give them a bit of insight into their present. I'll try to figure out a way to post about it without sharing too much of their information but still giving mine. Meanwhile, please pray for strength and wisdom for them as they are going through some really, really tough parenting issues right now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Brittney injured her foot/ankle a few months ago doing some stunting/tumbling during the cheer season, which required an emergency room visit. It still hasn't healed properly and is preventing her from competing in gymnastics. The orthopedic doctor wanted her to have an MRI. It was scheduled for last Monday but was complicated by the fact that school was 2 hrs late for my other kids and then the MRI machine wasn't working properly. So I got to hang out in the hospital waiting room with 4 of my kids for two hours until Joni Weber rescued them and took them to school!

The verdict from the doctor after the MRI is:
Brittney has a bone adema (bruise to her bone) and her tendons have had a stress response to it. Basically, one of her bones slammed into another one of her bones and everything she does including walking, continues to put stress on the injury. She will be back in a boot for at least three weeks (no gymnastics). They are hoping this will give the tendons enough time to heal and the swelling to go down. Then she'll start up with physical therapy again. For anyone counting, the boot should come off three days before we leave for Guatemala. We juggled quite a few schedules, including the doctor's, to get Brittney  in to the doctor in Sioux Falls on the 31st to see if she's healed enough for the boot to come off.

It's still possible that she'll be able to compete the last month of the gymnastics season. But if not, there's always next year.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Just a quick note to say that we're still waiting on a phone call from the orthopedic doctor for the results of Brit's MRI yesterday. A combination of school being two hours late and issues with the MRI machine caused a glitch in my schedule yesterday. But I can honestly say that I was calm throughout the process, even with four children in the hospital waiting room for two hours. I was pretty frazzled by the end of the day though. I was thinking I needed to phone a friend to unwind a bit, then a phone call from another friend changed my perspective yet again. She's struggling much more than I am right now and I need to get my head in the game so that I can offer her the support she needs instead of finding someone to listen to me!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Isn't God Amazing!

I gave my word yesterday that I would write about the latest development in my God trust walk. It's a long story but I always try to follow through on my committments, so here you go Vickie:

I am such a do-it-myself person that I have a really hard time asking for help, both from people and from God. You'd think eventually I'd learn. Especially since God has done some pretty cool stuff in my life. But I still struggle.

After a lot of internal debates back and forth a month ago, I turned the mission trip money issue over to God. He's shown he can provide and if we are meant to go, He will make a way. We've had so many subtle reasurrances from God that we are supposed to go that I feel confident that we are following His direction. And as He promised, He is providing generously. Brittney and I have so much joy in our hearts when we open each letter, many with notes of encouragement, or glance at each check from the people God has placed in our lives who are willing to help.

So every week, hundreds of dollars are funneling through me towards the Guatemala trip. I'd be lying if I said it's not exciting! Meanwhile, in the past month, our family has an issue with daycare costs. Because Sophia used to be in foster care, we can apply for daycare assistance while I work. It's a mound of paperwork but it enables me to remain at Headstart. The assistance pays for Sophia's daycare for the hours I work - Monday through Thursday from 9:45am-1:45pm. Which is practically perfect for our family.

Then the daycare provider changed her rules and said that Sophia couldn't come unless we paid the full $95 per week. Steve and I talked it over and decided that we would just have to pay the difference of $50 to $60 per week. Since I'm not working very many hours and I don't make much per hour, we would be spending most of what I make on daycare. But I love my job and it's good for Sophia to have a few hours at a good daycare. Plus we decided with as many times as I'm running other kids to doctor's appointments, various therapies and meetings, we could utilize the daycare more often. For example, if I needed to run Anthony to his therapist in Sioux Falls or Brittney to her physical therapy appointments, then Sophia could just stay at daycare since we were paying for it anyway.

Then the rules at daycare changed again and it was decided that the kids have to be picked up by 5:15pm every day. Steve isn't done at work until 5pm at the earliest and on the days that I needed to utilize the daycare for Sophia in the afternoons, we were having trouble getting her picked up on time. We could always get her by 5:30pm because that allowed enough time for Steve to finish up at work and get across town or have Grandma Sandy, who is also off work at 5pm, to pick up Sophia. But 5:15pm was cutting it too close to many times. And of course, it's a late fee if you're not there by 5:15.
Meanwhile, the daycare assistance state people decided that instead of the usual 6 months of being qualified, they bumped it down to 2 months because I worked for two different employers during one month of the fall and they weren't sure how to process that correctly. I could still re-apply but I would have to wait until the two months were up and then re-submit new paperwork with just the one employer and then wait for the state to process the new papwork all over again. Which, they assured me, would enable us to requalify and it would be retro-active so that we wouldn't have any gap in the daycare coverage.

Which would have been fine. However, our daycare wanted their money immediately instead of waiting for the state. So for the past month and a half, I have had to write a check each Friday for $95. Which puts us WAY over budget normally, not to mention right before Christmas and an improptu missions trip!

By the way, I've since put in Sophia's two week required notice at her daycare and made other arrangements that aren't going to cost us more than I'm earning.

So as I'm watching all this money pass through my hands for the missions trip and praising God for it, I'm having a little pitty party because I only have $20 in my purse and I need to decide what's most important for the next two weeks, gas in my almost empty van or milk & cereal.

On Saturday night, I finally wised up and decided that if God could provide for the trip, He could provide for our family also. (Again) So I visualized myself with a basketball and passed it over to God. "Here God. You can handle it. I don't want to stress about it any more." I'll do what I can and You'll do what I can't."


Sunday morning, I was juggling my bible, my Bible study workbook, my teen parent group study book, my phone, my purse and my coffee. I asked Taylor to run downstairs and grab my bag to put everything in so I could head to church. Instead of my normal bag, she brought up my larger disney bag that I hadn't used since my Colorado trip.

It was completely empty except for the front zipper pocket, in which I found a bank envelope containing my leftover cash from my summer trip. Because of added car expenses, hotel, utilizing my debit card and being crazy busy with six kids and a husband when I got home from the trip, I had completely forgotten that the cash existed.

The amount of cash was within a few dollars of the amount we'd over-spent for daycare!

Isn't God amazing!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sophia Says

I was bemoning the fact that I used the last of my coffee cream in my cup this morning and I didn't have any more. I was kind of sad. Then my beautiful little three year old says, "It's ok mommy. I'll give you a hug." She hopped down off her chair and threw her arms around me.

Suddenly my day was better.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Random Pictures

All walls are down in the back entryway (thanks to me),
electrical wiring is moved (thanks to Erick),
one wall primed (thanks to Steve),
painted (thanks to me),
and ready for wall hooks (thanks to Steve).
Steve & I went out for supper last week and he let me have this for dessert.
Carmel Apple Pie :)
Kids decorating the tree.
Sophia trying really hard not to touch the little christmas skaters.
Zeke somehow managed to put a hole right through the middle of this hard plastic plate.
Steve got SDSU basketball tickets from the bank so we went on a date without kids.
We did, however, bring home a little leftover popcorn for them! 
Awesome lunch with my mom at Bracco's in Sioux Falls yesterday.
When I woke up this morning, I found these two in the tub
with their swimming suits and goggles.

Taylor pic. blogging
Taylor nicely posing with her viola
before her concert.
The real Taylor

Friday, December 7, 2012

Taylor Anne Wilkins

Taylor's name means she has great LOVE for the outdoors and when she was coming home from school her brother and his friend where throwing snow balls at her. Just bocaus she has love for the out doors and she was taking her time walking home.  And she was not walking fast and she said"It does not matter your speed."Her brother Riley said"Who cares!" So Taylor ran home and toled mom(Tricia)Riley and his friend where throwing snow balls at ME!So the moral of the story is NEVER throw  a snow ball at your Sister.

By Taylor Anne Wilkins

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm feeling very discombobulated today and seem to have a lot of nervous energy. Maybe I haven't had enough coffee ;)  I've got two stories I hope to twrite this afternoon. I wish it was easier to blog on my phone because Brittney has a physical therapy appointment this afternoon and I could blog then. Maybe I need to figure out how to blog from my nook. Until then, I'm taking my hammer and a flat head screwdriver to work because we are opening a coconut today! Headstart is so interesting.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cynthia quoted this in class on Sunday but I'm not sure where it came from originally.

Between the big things I can't do
and the little things I won't do,
the danger is that I'll do nothing.

We were discussing the fact that sometimes we get so overwhelmed with all the things going on around us in the world. We feel like we can't help anyone or anything because there is just so much hurt out there we don't know where to start. But we were reminded in class that we need to be aware of the people that God places in our lives and be ready to act immediately in small ways, because a small act of kindness can make a huge difference in someones life. It's worth repeating ;)

Between the big things I can't do,
and the little things I won't do,
the danger is that I'll do nothing.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Brittney Says

Brittney after reading something online: "Can I soak my feet in vinegar?"
Me: "I guess so. Why?"
Brittney: "Because this says it's good for athletes.
Me: Really?"
Brittney: "Oh, never mind. It's good for athlete's foot."


Yesterday Sophia's bio grandma drove up in the afternoon and dropped off two boys. In addition, we had our kids and Hannah from down the street. When it was pitch dark outside and everyone was overly ready for supper, we gave up waiting for her to come and get them and Steve drove them home.
When Sophia is taking a bath and accidently starts to drain out the water, she tells me "the tub is drinking."
I'm ready for church and will be taking Riley, Taylor and Sophia with me. They'll go to class while I have my Beth Moore class on James. Then Steve will meet us for 2nd service church with the rest of the kids. Sophia's mom and mom's boyfriend have been consistant the past month about coming to church so I'll need to pack a bag to keep Sophia (and them) occupied for 2nd service. For that hour only, she's back to using a sippy cup and having snacks. I also try to put in some books and colors. We let Sophia sit with them for the entire service but they usually come over to where I'm sitting and need some assistance at least once (sometimes 4-5 times) during the service.
Immediately following the service at BWC, we'll be dropping the kids off at home and going to Bethel for our teen parent group. It's a neat group of parents and it's fairly convenient because we only meet every two weeks.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

"I am the Lord, the God of all mankind.
Is anything to hard for me?"
Jeremiah 32:27
I think there are currently 9 children running around in my house. I think I can pack a few more in ;)

Guatemala Missions Trip

My mom wanted to read the letter we sent out for our upcoming missions trip so I told her I would post it on the blog. I haven't really shared about it on the blog yet anyway. So here you go mom... and the rest you!

Dear Friends and Family,

Three weeks ago, Brittney and I had the opportunity to help serve at a fundraiser for an upcoming short term mission’s trip. We’ve always felt called to be a part of helping others and have wanted to serve on a mission’s trip but life circumstances haven’t allowed that to happen yet. So we’ve served where we’re needed. Meanwhile, Brittney and I decided to commit to going on a missions trip later in 2014 so that we would have adequate time to earn the needed funds. God had other plans.

One of the people on the current team discovered she was not able to go on the trip in January and it was suggested that Brittney and I consider taking her place. I struggled with the short time-frame to earn the money needed for two of us for the trip. I felt strongly that we needed time to set aside money and because we’re on a very tight budget already, I knew we wouldn’t be able to go. Then God expressed very clearly that none of the things that I have or experience are because I have earned them. It’s all through the grace of God. If we are meant to serve in Guatemala, then God will provide a way. We will do what we can and God will do what we can’t.

This life-changing 6-day experience (January 2-8, 2013), will give us the opportunity to serve Christ in the country of Guatemala. Some people need food, some need clothes or shelter and many, like the children we’ll meet in a few months, just need someone to love them. God has given us an incredible opportunity to serve Him but this trip is a huge step of faith for us and we would like to ask for your support.

First and foremost, would you please pray for us? In addition to the challenges of raising funds, we’ll be traveling internationally into a Spanish-speaking country and adjusting to a new culture. We’ll be serving in Zacapa and several small villages. The focus of our trip will be children’s ministry, where we’ll be leading Vacation Bible School, and also a program called Happy Feet, which allows us to give shoes to local children and adults.
We would really appreciate your prayers that God’s love would be evident throughout the entire process of getting ready and though our service.

Second, would you prayerfully consider making a financial contribution toward our expenses? Each of us needs to raise approximately $1,500 for the trip by December 29. Brittney and I have committed to setting aside $20 per paycheck towards the trip and are also participating in group fundraisers through the church.  But we know that won’t be enough before the end of December. I am asking our friends and family to consider supporting us by contributing $20 (or more, if you feel led). Believe me, I understand how tight finances can be but I firmly believe that God’s hand is in this mission. If we each do our part, even if it’s only a little, God can move in a mighty way.

Thanks for partnering with us!
"The wisdom from above is first pure,
then peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits,
without favoritism and hypocrisy."
James 3:17