Saturday, December 1, 2012

Guatemala Missions Trip

My mom wanted to read the letter we sent out for our upcoming missions trip so I told her I would post it on the blog. I haven't really shared about it on the blog yet anyway. So here you go mom... and the rest you!

Dear Friends and Family,

Three weeks ago, Brittney and I had the opportunity to help serve at a fundraiser for an upcoming short term mission’s trip. We’ve always felt called to be a part of helping others and have wanted to serve on a mission’s trip but life circumstances haven’t allowed that to happen yet. So we’ve served where we’re needed. Meanwhile, Brittney and I decided to commit to going on a missions trip later in 2014 so that we would have adequate time to earn the needed funds. God had other plans.

One of the people on the current team discovered she was not able to go on the trip in January and it was suggested that Brittney and I consider taking her place. I struggled with the short time-frame to earn the money needed for two of us for the trip. I felt strongly that we needed time to set aside money and because we’re on a very tight budget already, I knew we wouldn’t be able to go. Then God expressed very clearly that none of the things that I have or experience are because I have earned them. It’s all through the grace of God. If we are meant to serve in Guatemala, then God will provide a way. We will do what we can and God will do what we can’t.

This life-changing 6-day experience (January 2-8, 2013), will give us the opportunity to serve Christ in the country of Guatemala. Some people need food, some need clothes or shelter and many, like the children we’ll meet in a few months, just need someone to love them. God has given us an incredible opportunity to serve Him but this trip is a huge step of faith for us and we would like to ask for your support.

First and foremost, would you please pray for us? In addition to the challenges of raising funds, we’ll be traveling internationally into a Spanish-speaking country and adjusting to a new culture. We’ll be serving in Zacapa and several small villages. The focus of our trip will be children’s ministry, where we’ll be leading Vacation Bible School, and also a program called Happy Feet, which allows us to give shoes to local children and adults.
We would really appreciate your prayers that God’s love would be evident throughout the entire process of getting ready and though our service.

Second, would you prayerfully consider making a financial contribution toward our expenses? Each of us needs to raise approximately $1,500 for the trip by December 29. Brittney and I have committed to setting aside $20 per paycheck towards the trip and are also participating in group fundraisers through the church.  But we know that won’t be enough before the end of December. I am asking our friends and family to consider supporting us by contributing $20 (or more, if you feel led). Believe me, I understand how tight finances can be but I firmly believe that God’s hand is in this mission. If we each do our part, even if it’s only a little, God can move in a mighty way.

Thanks for partnering with us!

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