Thursday, February 28, 2013

This week has been taken up with quite a few of the things that I've put off for the past few months so we've had a pretty busy schedule. But we weren't to busy to go with my sister for coffee and breakfast at their restaurant.
Sophia got a sucker when we left. She put it in the hole in her Little People lamb and used it as a sucker-holder.
Sophia had to go to the doctor for her three year checkup. I normally avoid those for my other kids if they're healthy but headstart needs the form filled out so to the doctor we went. She loves the nurse and was ok with the doctor. She was something like 98% for height and 63% for weight and seems to be really healthy and developmentally right on track. The downside was when we had to go to the lab to have blood drawn. She's had to do it before so I was expecting a bit of a battle. Not a bit!!! I held her on my lap and she held her little finger out to the nurse and didn't even cry when the nurse poked her. When the nurse was continually squeezing Sophia's tiny finger to get more blood out, Sophia just said, "Ow. That hurts."
When we were finally done and the nurse put a band-aid on her finger, Sophia hopped down and walked out. Before she got to the hallway, she turned around and sweetly told the nurse, "Thank you."
What a great kid!
Sophia also needed a haircut.
I finally scheduled an appointment for Zeke with the eye doctor. His vision is still pretty good and the doctor continues to be amazed at how much he's progressed in all areas. We did get new glasses ordered. This is the first time EVER that a pair of his glasses have made it the full year without being broken or lost! I'm excited about that because that means he'll actually have an 'extra' pair' in case the new ones get misplaced, lost or broken. It's not good for his eyes when he doesn't wear glasses but in the past, he went through so many that insurance and medicaid only paid for one pair every year. We paid for the remainder out of our own pocket so there was no way that we could afford to pay for just a 'spare pair'. But now he'll have something to put on just in case!
Here's Zeke and Sophia playing in the waiting room.

This morning, it was Sophia's turn in at the eye doctor.
She did great and has no eye problems.
She sat in the chair for the exam all by herself!
Since she had the drops in her eyes, she got some of the generic sunglasses.

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