Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I'm not in such a crabby mood anymore. Here's a few positives:

1) My eldest child took the driving portion of her license test today.........and passed!!! She can now drive by herself. I have mixed feelings about that but I'm so proud of her! I'll admit I was bit of a sentimental when she drove off by herself to track practice. Don't worry. We talked about driving right there and back and being safe. I'm really not too worried about her but there's just something about your child meeting another milestone and going off into the world where you can't protect them. Just this morning.....oh wait, that has nothing to do with her license so I'll have to tell that story another time.

2) One of my friends is willing to commiserate and laugh with me. At least I think she's laughing with me and not at me. lol! Although I don't think it's fair that she has turned my people skills against me! I let her in on one of my social survival skills and she used it on me this morning. So not fair! The best part is, I didn't even realize it at the time! She's that good!

3) I took Sophia to lunch when I was meeting a friend. The lunch conversation was just what I needed and Sophia was content the whole hour and a half. It's so nice to spend time with someone who knows me so well.

4) I thought it would be a good idea to connect with my brother last night. I was feeling sentimental and all alone. Well, all alone with six kids, but still. So I texted him. We don't connect that often and we don't need to have long drawn out conversations to feel connected but I also realized it's been a while since I've talked to him. Here's our text conversation, with my thoughts added in parenthesis:

Me: Just a quick note to say I miss u & love u!
(I hardly ever never get mushy like this except with my brother)

Him: Who is this
(After the kind of week I had, I really don't need you messing with me like this! I know you're trying to be funny but I don't think I can take it right now.)

Me: Your favorite sister :) Don't you have my name programmed in your phone?

Him: Whats your name

Me: Are you kidding me???? I know I'm terrible at keeping in touch, but seriously!

Him: U have the wrong number
(About this time, I check the number I've been texting and discover it's my brother's old number from Minnesota. It really is a wrong number. Oops!)


  1. 2. :)

    4. Totally laughing out loud. :)

  2. hahahahaha oh my. Gotta love wrong number text conversations. :)
    My stepsister's daughter is a freshman and she is driving on her own, too--it doesn't seem possible!
