I'm on break today, kind of. So far this morning, I've packed quite a few boxes, washed hundreds of dishes and done a bizillion loads of laundry. Now I'm sitting with my dog, watching tv, drinking a cup of coffee and eating an entire box of girl scout cookies. Don't judge me :-)
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Sophia Says
While I was gone, Sophia got to spend time with my friend Dawn when Steve was working and Sandy had therapy. One day, they were discussing dogs. Sophia told Dawn that our dog's name was Buddy and he was adopted from the humane society. Then Sophia informed her, "I'm adopted too..........but not from the humane society."
I need to be at work by 10am and I just got a voicemail that Anthony is struggling with his behavior lately. Actually, it would probably be more accurate to say that the school is struggling with Anthony's behavior this week. I'm honestly just tired of it. I guess the school will just have to figure it out today because i don't want to :-(
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
I got to have lunch with some of my favorite people today! I was again realizing how fortunate I am to have so many great people in my life!
And by have lunch, I mean start with lunch at 11:30, chat until ordering dessert later in the afternoon, then finally leave to get kids after school ;-)
Update from Becky
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Bible study, playdough with friends, really devastating news concerning the health of a friend, and the day ending with snacks at the basketball game.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Peaceful Ending
The only way Sophia would go to sleep tonight was by holding on to my arm. She makes me slow down and remember what's important. Now she's softly snoring beside me :-)
Have I mentioned lately how much I love this little one?!
Is The Day Over Yet?
Anthony and Zeke are both in bed by 7pm tonight. Purely self-preservation for me.
Today we survived school, piano lessons, special olympics, basketball and wrestling. I guess that was enough for one day.
On a good note, Steve had promised Taylor supper at a place of her choice if she brought her math grade up to an A. As of today, she did. She was so excited that she made me take her to Steve's work to tell him. So tonight they went to Buffalo Wild Wings.
I was supposed to go too but Brittney went ballistic because she couldn't go, Zeke is crying about everything because he's so tired and Anthony was just being his defiant self. I didn't dare leave the house with that combination of moods brewing. I feel bad that Taylor doesn't get a lot of my attention because of all the other kids. But it should be a fun daddy daughter date!
On another note, we got the official word that we will close on both houses on April 22. Out with the old, in with the new!!!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Taylor Says
This is how Anthony was dressed for church this morning. It's hard to see in the picture, but he's wearing a plaid button-up dress shirt, collar up, with his blue and green swishy pants.
Sometimes it wouldn't be worth the battle to make him change but he was fairly regulated this morning. I was trying to come up with a nice way to let him know he might be uncomfortable in public with kids'/peoples' reactions to what he was wearing and then let him decide what to do.
I told Anthony "You might want to put on different clothes."
When he asked me why, i started to say, "To avoid....."
But before I could get another word out, Taylor pipes up, "Laughter!!!!!!!"
Saturday, February 22, 2014
BHS Basketball Game
Friday, February 21, 2014
Trust and Thankfulness
We have a closing date for the new house on April 22nd. It currently looks like we'll have a month after that before we need to be out of our current house. That should give us time to get some work done in the new house and get everything moved.
I've decided to take the kids to the family reunion in March even though Steve can't go and money will be tight. We weren't going to go if the house thing all worked out but after much discussion, I'm taking most of the kids.
I was worried about spending money that could be used on the new house.
Steve was concerned because he was already taking the previous Monday and Tuesday off and couldn't get that Friday or Saturday off because they are so short-staffed right now.
But after thinking over how God has provided so generously for us to move, I decided it's not up to me to want the house fixed up nicely and in my time. We can live in it as is and be fine. It's relationships, family and memories that are the important things, especially while the kids are young.
So I have one hotel room with two beds for two nights. It'll be cozy but fun! I'll take a cooler with sandwich stuff for lunches and then the whole extended family eats together for supper with things we each bring and put together. My kids won't do any expensive touristy things but they will get to swim at the hotel and play with all the cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. :)
Zeke won't go either since he has State Basketball with Special Olympics that Friday and Saturday. Then he and Steve will spend the day at home together on Sunday. Steve will enjoy sleeping in and getting a little time to himself, especially after the few weeks he just survived ;)
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
House Update
In addition, there is a couple (who will remain anonymous to everyone but us) who informed us yesterday that they are willing to guarantee the sale for us to make sure that we don't lose out on the new house! That means that if, for any reason, the sale of our current house falls through, they would basically give us the money to cover it until it would sell. They said that they have watched us through the years and want us to continue to do what we are doing; helping others. They said that's what Christians do. God is sooooo good!!!
So if everything continues to go smoothly with the house transition and we are able to move into the new house, we've already made a commitment to use the house as a river of blessings. It's not just for us but to be used however God can use it.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Another House Update
Also, I've started labeling some of the Guatemala pictures I posted earlier.
2) A few days ago, my phone decided to completely reboot itself, which means that as of now, I've lost all my pictures, contacts, phone numbers, messages and probably most importantly, my schedule/calendar. I have no idea what's going on. Yikes!!!
3) The bank has had another offer on the house we're trying to buy. We basically have first dibs on it but it's contingent on selling our current house. In just three days, we've already had at least 9 showing of our current house, not including the realtors' caravan, but no offers as of yet. We have until Tuesday at 2:45pm or we'll take our house off the market and stay.
4) Steve is taking me out for lunch at QDoba's for valentines day. If we buy one meal, we get one free if we kiss at the counter. I'm always up for a deal! I think we've eaten there for lunch for the past three years on valentines day.
5) Lots to share but the kids get out at noon today so I'd better get off the computer!
Monday, February 10, 2014
Guatemala Day 5
I'm posting more on Facebook this week than I have in years! It's easier to post pictures and messages there. I'm sure I'll post more here once I get back home. If I'm not your fb friend and you want to be, just send a request and I'll accept. I haven't turned anyone down yet ;)
Two team members are sick today so I'm staying with them while the others head back up the mountain to continue building the house.
Please pray for their health and the continuation of God's work.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Guatemala Day 4
Guatemala Day 2 - Building Site
Trekking to the location where we'll be building a house tomorrow.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Guatemala Day 2 - Volcano

Guatemala Day 2 - Pastor's House/Traveling

Guatemala Day 2 - Breakfast

Guatemala Day 2 - Seminary

Guatemala Day 1 - Traveling/Seminary