Friday, February 7, 2014

Guatemala Day 2 - Breakfast

 After the Impacto team picked us up at the seminary,
they took us to a local pastor's house for breakfast.
Here's Holly randomly posing in the street outside their house.
 Connor, Lori and Marshall playing in the hammock inside the house.
 This is the pastor's wife, Delmay, who so graciously made us an enormous breakfast!
Holly, Bryce and I
Reunited and it feels so good!!! 
Holly and I met Bryce at the airport last year. We all flew into Guatemala at the same time.

We were there with a team from our church for a week. Bryce was there on his own and was staying for three months. He was going to be working with Impacto to help the team and the people with resources they already had. For example, water is very scarce and what they do have isn't very safe to drink. Bryce figured out a way to safely and economically filter the water to make it safe for drinking. He's also growing vegetables in unique ways so the people can learn to grow what they need to sustain themselves. He's an amazing guy with a passion for people and for God. He also has an amazing singing voice, too.

When he had been in Guatemala for his three months, he asked if he could stay. That was over a year ago!
Ted and Alissa on their first missions trip. 
This was taken in the courtyard of the pastor's house. 

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