Friday, February 13, 2015

Anthony Says

Yesterday I was so tired that all I could think about was crawling back into my bed. I felt like I was going through the evening in a fog. I retreated to my bed by 8pm but I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned until 3am and now I'm back up at 5:30am. Needless to say, I'm not in the best mood but since coffee is my best friend, I'll make it through the day.
This makes me laugh every time I think about it and I could use a few good laughs today. So here's one of the conversations at Anthony's therapy appointment on Wednesday:

Anthony: "Mom and I get along, except when I get in trouble."

Me: "You weren't really in trouble. I just needed to separate you from the other kids because it was obviously hard for you to settle down."

Therapist: "So you were having trouble staying regulated?"

Anthony: "Yah, I was running around and getting everyone riled up."

Therapist: "So, Anthony, what do you think was happening?"

Anthony: "I guess I was going a little commando."

It's hard to keep a straight face when you're explaining to your child that 'commando' generally means going without underwear and what he meant probably had something more to do with Rambo!

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