Thursday, July 14, 2016

Sophia's Style

I'm pretty sure I cared what my first few children wore in public and I definitely cared what others thought of my parenting. However, I've decided it just isn't worth the effort to fight about it by the time I got to child #6. Besides, I have much bigger battles to fight anyway.
I needed to run my mother-in-law to the clinic the other day and Sophia wanted to go with me. As any good mother should, I asked her if she had shoes before we pulled out of our driveway. (There may or may not have been a time a few years ago when she was told to get in the van and no one realized until we got to our destination that she wasn't wearing any shoes)

So from my spot in the drivers seat, I asked if she was wearing any shoes and she said she was. We picked up Sandy, dropped her off at the clinic and then Sophia and I went to our favorite coffee shop. When we got out of the van I finally noticed her fancy footwear. I could have chosen to get back in the van and proceed to the drive through but I ended up holding my head high and walking proudly beside my diva into Chocolatte.

Then we had to go into the clinic to wait for Sandy. Even with her snazzy pink shoes, Sophia makes friends everywhere. She spotted a little girl and asked me if she could play with her. I said she could so she asked the little girl if she wanted to play. The girl said yes and when Sophia asked what she wanted to play, the girl shouted, "Tag!"
The next thing I knew, these two little girls, one of them in enormous pink heels, were running through a clinic and dodging elderly people. Let's just say that I quickly helped them figure out something less enthusiastic to play in a clinic!
 Today I got to venture through Walmart, the bank and a few other errands around town with Sophia and Anthony.
Sophia chose to wear the top half of Brittney's old cheer uniform.
This picture is just to prove that she does have normal clothes and sometimes wears them!!! 
She's also very proud that she's tall enough for the slides at the pool this year

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