Sunday, April 22, 2012

My shoulder still hurts so I've done as little as possible with it. So not much typing or texting. I was thinking that I was starting to go for a record of how many children in one family would receive detention in one week.

Anthony received detention because he called a teacher a dummy. I guess it's not the worst thing a kid could call someone, but it's still not appropriate so to detention he goes. Later, when I visited with him about the incident at the therapist's office, I think I got the story straight. They have a different teacher at the end of the day for some kind of reading thing. That teacher handed out a purple paper with writing on it. Anthony told me he had trouble seeing the words and got frustrated, so he tore the paper, crumpled it up and threw it  away. When the teacher got upset with him and said the paper was ruined, Anthony countered with, "No it's not! You can tape it!" Then it turned into even more of a power struggle and the teacher wouldn't let Anthony tape the paper back together, which in Anthony's mind would fix it. That's the point when he called the teacher a dummy and was given detention

I have to admit, Zeke's incident is a little bit funny if you know him. I had to drop him off on Friday morning because I had to get Anthony to Sioux Falls by 9am. Zeke was supposed to walk right to Mrs Rounds room and meet his teacher's aid. Instead, he went to the cafeteria and had breakfast, which he has been told before that he is not allowed to do. Then he lied about it when they asked him. That was problem number one. Problem number two came when he, I think, refused to finish his math paper at math time. The teacher made him stay inside during recess to finish it. He found the teacher's book and proceeded to copy the teacher's answers onto his paper. And then he lied about it. So now he has detention. I'm still not sure where the teacher was during that time because there should have been someone with him. Anyway, Zeke did not have a fun weekend at home because he wasn't allowed to do any of the fun weekend things the other kids got to do.

Anthony had his first soccer practice on Saturday morning. Steve took Anthony and Taylor and was going to take pictures for me to post but he got too busy coaching because the real coach never showed up. They had no coach and no equipment. I think it turned out ok because Anthony and a few other kids brought balls from home but hopefully by Tuesdays practice, they have the head coach there.

Now it's time to get the family ready for church and my mom's retirement party!!!   :)

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