Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Brittney Says

This week is homecoming so the kids all have different dress codes each day. For example, yesterday was western day. Today, the Camelot kids had Black Out day so they were supposed to dress all in black. When pulling up at the High School to drop off Brittney, I noticed some uniquely dressed kids. Brittney informed me that it's Toga Day. I asked why she wasn't wearing a toga.

Brit: "It's only Toga Day for seniors. Each high school class has different colors today. Freshman are supposed to wear white."

I looked at her and noticed she was wearing all white except a little black jacket so I inquired about the jacket.

Brit: "Dude! Mom!" (She puts the word dude in front of my name a lot) "My boot for my sprained ankle is black and I have to coordinate with it!"
Who's child is this!?

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