Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Three Mistakes

1st Mistake:
I was working on paperwork at home and saw Val walking up to the door. She was there for Sophia's early headstart appointment. I had totally forgotten and hadn't seen her reminder text. Fortunately, we were home and it fit into the morning schedule anyway.

2nd Mistake:
I rode with the head teacher, Diane, to the home of the little boy I'll be working with for headstart this year. Before we went into the apartment, I put my waterbottle and keys in the door of Diane's car. Then the visit started a half and hour late and I forgot about my stuff. The home visit lasted an hour and the teacher had another visit immediately following. So we drove back to headstart where my van was parked. She dropped me off and rushed to her next visit. As I watched her car disappear into traffic, I realized my keys were still in her vehicle . It was now 5pm and I had no keys and needed to pick up 6 kids for various activities and make it to parents night. I had to call my friend to pick me up and then figure out where Diane's next home visit was located. Once we found her car, I had to humbly knock on the door of a stranger and ask for Diane. Then I had to explain so I could get my keys. All's well that ends well. Except I felt like an idiot :)

3rd Mistake:
Last night, in addition to homework, cheer practice, a headstart home visit, football and softball, we also attended 5th grade parents night for Riley. Because Camelot is set up like a little middle school, we started in Riley's homeroom and listened to his teacher for 20 minutes. I sat by someone I haven't seen since the last school year ended and found it hard to stop talking when the teacher started talking. Then I saw a few more parents I haven't been able to chat with for a while and tried hard to only talk when the teacher was done. 

After the homeroom teacher finished, we were supposed to progress as a group to the kids' next class, which was math with Mrs Books. Because I found more people in the hallway to talk to, we ended up not really following the group anymore. By the time I stopped chatting, the halls had cleared and I wasn't sure which room we were supposed to go to next. A teacher I recognized was still standing outside a door and said, "This was math with Mrs Books." So I said ok and drug Steve into the room with me. I immediately found some new people to talk to and commenced chatting about their son who had just left for Italy. I thought all the kids must switch around classes and classmates like high school. Apparently they don't. All the kids stay together and just switch rooms. By the time the current teacher started talking about the reading and language program, I finally realized that we were in the wrong room! Whoops!!! Turns out she was telling me that this was the group of parents that had just come from Mrs Book's room.........not that the room was Mrs Books!

I waited until the teacher was done before I informed Steve quietly that we were in the wrong room. The group we were supposed to be with was now coming from math into the room we had just left. So I pulled Steve into the math room with an entirely different set of parents. No big deal. Different parents for me to talk to. Although I think we were probably getting some strange looks by this time because we were the only parents to be with a different group for each class. By the time the math class talk was over, we proceeded to the social studies room with our original class. They welcomed us back with open arms!  And I got a chance to to see lots of different friends! And Steve got the chance to be embarrased by hanging out with me! :)

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