Monday, January 26, 2015

I Survived Winter Formal

I survived the winter formal! The day included my friend coming over to do Brittney's hair. That part was actually kind of fun because I got my hair cut too and I got to chat with my friend the entire time she was working on Brit's hair. Then she would use my hair as an example to show Brittney different techniques.

As much as I hate people touching me, I think it's really relaxing to have someone I know messing with my hair. I think it reminds me of my friends and music class in grade school. On days when the teacher would pull out the overhead projector and let us sing different songs for the whole class period, we would sit cross-legged on the floor. She was busy putting different transparencies on the projector so as long as we were sitting and singing, we could do whatever we wanted. Because I had long hair, my friends all asked to play with it, which basically meant that they would braid it and re-braid it the entire class period. So relaxing!!!

Anyway, by 5pm, Brittney's hair was done. Since she had her nails done a few days before, she proceeded to do her makeup, get dressed and speed out the door. You'd think my part was done, but oh no, there was more. Remember that nasty wonderful know-it-all book all about formal that I'm sure exists out there somewhere? I guess in there it says the kids have to get together in a bunch and the moms are required to take a million pictures. Dang it!

So I did my momly duty and drove over to Amy's house. When the kids got there we took pictures for 45 minutes. You can thank me later for only posting a few of the millions of pictures that exist from that night. I'll spare you the specifics. Let's just say that these stupid beautiful photos required us to move furniture, wall hangings, get correct lighting, spacing, etc. Can't you just see me rolling my eyes in the background?

The pictures taking was finally finished and Brit's friend Jenna started downstairs to grab her jacket. She only made it two steps down when the heel of her shoe caught on her dress and she went headfirst down the stairs. I was standing right by the banister and saw her catch herself on the bottom step. I first asked her if she was ok and then I looked at her mom, Amy, and said, "She's really lucky she didn't break her....."

I was going to say 'ankle' but before I could get the word out, Amy finished with, "heel!"

Her heel? Don't you mean leg or ankle?

When I questioned Amy, she emphatically stated that they didn't have a backup pair of shoes so Jenna couldn't break these! She was totally serious!

I think I need to hang out with Amy more often again. She makes me laugh. When I'm not shaking my head in disbelief!
I ended up staying at Amy's until the kids got back from the dance. We chatted and drank hot apple cider. They got back by 10:30pm, changed and went to a friend's house. All that work and money for a few pictures, supper and a couple of hours at a dance. Is it worth it? Brittney seems to think so. I think it's just MY practice for PROM! Yikes!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahaha! You had me laughing through this entire post! I can totally see you doing all of that.
