Thursday, March 15, 2012

"THE CLASS" in 4th Grade

Some parents worry about what information their child will receive at puberty class during 4th grade. Usually the girls want nothing to do with the class. Riley's been waiting for two years just so he could be in the class! Let's just say he's gotten a lot of interesting information from friends who have been in the class before him.
Some parents are worried about the infomation their kids will be hearing but I can't wait to hear what they come home with.  I still remember the day I received the paperwork after the class was over and I had no idea Brittney was even in the class. I didn't realize they started those kinds of discussions in 4th grade so I questioned her about what they talked about in Sex Ed. She looked at me like I was crazy and told me that she wasn't in sex ed! We argued back and forth and I finally said, "Yes you are! I saw the paper!"
She looked at me disgustingly, rolled her eyes and said, "MOM! That's not sex ed! It's puberty class!
I heard about Riley's latest in a text from my mom:
"Riley was telling me about puberty class (with Taylor in the van too) and I said something like "yeah, it's good to know about how your body will be making changes".
He said, and I quote, "You're lucky Grandma that you didn't have to go through that class".
When I told him that girls learned about puberty too he said, "yeah, but you didn't have to learn about your sexuality because yours is broken and you adopted kids!"
Gotta love pubery class........not to be mistaken for sex ed!

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