Thursday, March 29, 2012


I received a phone call at work today that Riley was running a fever at school so I went to pick him up. He's been complaining of headaches for a couple of weeks now but hasn't had any other symptoms. By the time I picked him up in the nurse's office, he was holding his head and crying. She told me his temp was 102. I decided that I needed to take him to the doctor because the headaches had been going on for too long and now the fever added another dimention. I called the clinic to see when I could get him in. They found an opening at 3:40pm and proceeded to get the necessary information from me. Meanwhile, Riley is sounding progressively worse in the backseat. The nurse asked me if that was Riley she was hearing. When I told her it was, she put me on hold for a minute and then came back and asked if we could come in at 1:30. I told her I thought that would be a good idea and she even suggested the ER if I needed to. This is the child who has only been to the clinic once in the last 6 years other than immunizations.
So we headed to the clinic, saw his doctor, did lots of swabs and drew lots of blood. The end result is that Riley has Mono. The worst moment was when the doctor told him he can't participate in any contact sports or strenuous activities, including PE at school, for at least three weeks, if not longer. Not that he really feels like doing any of that anyway but I think the idea just bothers him.
I thought I'd have to really revamp our weekend plans but it turns out we have some awesome friends/sitters. One is a special ed major who has had mono before and knows exactly what it's all about. The other is a nursing major and wasn't fazed at all. So they'll be watching Taylor and Riley tomorrow night and then keeping Sophia, Taylor and Riley on Saturday. I'll come home Saturday evening so I won't even be gone too long.
Now I'm going to eat and finish packing Sophia, who will be staying with some friends who also happened to be licensed foster parents :)

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