Saturday, March 17, 2012

Steve Turns 40

I think I'm always going to be saying that I'll be a better blogger when............
My current statement is that I'll have more time to blog when school gets out for the summer. I can sit outside with the kids and type :)
I say that because I feel like I'm behind again. Steve turned 40 last Wednesday and not only was I out of town but I also didn't even mention it on the blog. I'm hoping to do a little "photo essay" on the life of Steve but we'll see when time permits. Anyway, that morning I texted him during a morning break and told him happy birthday and that he could meet me for supper in SF if he wanted to. I didn't hear anything back so I assumed he already had plans or couldn't get the kids taken care of. About 4pm, he texted me back letting me know that he had the kids covered for the evening and he was on his way! When we were discussing evening plans in our class, I told them I had a hot date. They teased me about it for the rest of the afternoon!

My meeting was done by 4:30pm that afternoon so Steve and I met at HuHot for supper. Not to be mistaken for 'hottub', which is where Staci thought I was when she was texting back and forth with me. After eating, we drove around and looked at cars because Steve was in need of another vehicle. We found a few we liked but nothing we were willing to commit to. Then I took him back to the hotel and we sat and talked for an hour or so. We don't get that opportunity much so we take it when we can. As we talked, the sun was setting and the downtown lights were coming on. It was beautiful!
When I was telling a friend about watching the lights, she asked if we walked down to the Falls. I kind of intended to, but as I said before, we don't get much time to ourselves so eventually we weren't just talking anymore ;) Eventually, we went out for ice cream and then I took Steve back to his car so he could drive home.
So Happy Birthday Old Man!!!  :)

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