Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Finally! I received a phone call yesterday from the social worker who was doing the investigating.
The case is closed!
They weren't able to substantiate anything and they don't feel our children are in danger. Now to pick up the pieces of our lives and begin putting them back together.


  1. Super Good news Tricia ~ words can't express how happy I am for you. A person just doesn't get over or forget what they put you through. God peace be with you.

  2. Yay!!! It's about time. :) I am happy to hear this. I truly hope that life goes back to 'normal' as much and as quickly as possible for your family. <3

  3. Tricia and Steve, I have been praying for you during this difficult time. As you said in one of the blogs "God is in CONTROL" even some people think they are. We sill continue to pray for you as you pick up the piceses and put your family back together. God will help and what you family will be will be stronger and able to with stand problems better. In God's love
