Monday, July 23, 2012

Matthew 14:1
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.

Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Pastor Scott Maurer:
The only way to stop "worrying about tomorrow" is to release the false idols of this life through the grieving process of really saying "not my will, but yours." "Not my will but yours" is giving up idols or expectations in which we place false hope.
I really had to confront this in myself during our recent CPS investigation. I was ready to do everything and anything I needed do to keep my family intact. I rallied our support system, I called in our lawyer, I was planning a public media blitz to show the real story, etc. But no matter what I did or thought of doing, we were still stuck in the same awful situation and I still felt miserable.

Have I mentioned that I absolutely hate the feeling of not being in control of a situation? So every so often, I'm placed back into a situation in which I have to really decide if I'm going to keep fighting it or if I'm truly able to say, "not my will but yours."

Apparently this time it took me about three weeks to finally turn to God and say "I'm tired. There's nothing I can do that You can't do better. I'm handing the whole thing to you. You handle it as you see fit.

Within two days, we finally had the phone call that let me know the investigation was over and the case was closed. Thank you God!!! But I can honestly say that I was in a place of peace no matter what the outcome. Even if it didn't go the way I hoped, God still has an ultimate plan that is so much bigger and better than my little one.

Sometimes God does not take away our trials, but He can diminish our sorrow during those times if we turn to him.
End of my sermon for today :)

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