Sunday, November 3, 2013

Brittney Says

I told Brittney that one of the gals she would be working with was a friend of mine from a long time ago. "In fact", I stated, "her mom was the head nurse at the hospital when you were born."

Brit: "Was it Sacagawea?"
Me: "The Indian tour guide? No!"
Brit: "Was it the lady that gave birth to me?"
Me: "That would be me!!!"
Brit: "I meant was it the weird named lady."
Me: "You mean Dr. Chamales?"
Brit: "Yeah. Her."
Me: "No. It was not the doctor."
Brit: "What's for supper?"

By that point, Brittney lost interest. I think she forgot what the original point of my story was :)

1 comment:

  1. I got excited thinking Dr Chamales was back, then I finished your post and was bummed again....
