Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Riley!

Today is Riley's birthday. On this day, 12 years ago, Riley was born. He was with his 'old mom' (his words) in various locations and situations until he was four. The next year was spent in a foster home with his brother Zeke. We met him in person a month before his fifth birthday and were thrilled and nervous to be invited to his birthday party. I've now celebrated more birthdays with him (8) than I haven't (4). There have been plenty of challenging moments but today is the day to remember all the positive things and how much he's grown up, physically as well as emotionally.
Riley is now 12 years old and in the sixth grade. He is a caring young man who loves helping younger kids. He helps at church in the nursery and in classes whenever they need him. There are so many times he puts his little sister's wants before his own. She tells him that he's the best big brother ever! The picture above is Riley at the park swinging a bunch of kids he didn't even know. He'll also be the first one to jump in and help adults with anything. He's definitely not afraid of hard work!
He loves sports and especially enjoys playing baseball and football but has decided that he doesn't want to play basketball this year. He plays percussion earned an A+ during the first quarter in middle school band. He's also started singing again this year. He decided to participate in choir and then also auditioned and was chosen to participate in the elite singing group called Natural High.
Almost all subjects in school come very easily to him. His grades haven't always reflected that but are much better this year thanks to his newfound commitment to not turn his work in late and to keep track of his stuff.
I'm so proud of the young man he's becoming, in spite of his rough start in life and my poor parenting skills. My goal remains to help him navigate through life and give him tools to be successful, not by the world's terms, but by his own.

1 comment:

  1. You do -not- have poor parenting skills! Be nice to yourself.

    Happy birthday, Riley!
