Friday, May 30, 2014

I'm Just Glad Today Is Over

I know there are a lot of moms out there who love summer. I don't. Don't get me wrong. I love the warm weather, the ability to be outside, the sunshine, etc. What wears me out are the challenges of my children 24/7. I think I could handle a few issues but when I'm dealing with one issue after another, after another, after another, sometimes all at the same time, I get worn out.

*Today Zeke had a pretty good day but Anthony was defiant ALL DAY LONG. I started out very patient but by the time 5pm rolled around I was done. At one point this afternoon, Riley was trying to watch a movie and Anthony kept making loud noises to annoy Riley and get his attention. I could hear Riley continually asking him to stop, knock it off, quit it, but Anthony just kept it up. Finally, Riley went up the stairs and tried to take away the poster board that Anthony was making all the noise with. Anthony got mad and attacked Riley. He scratched and clawed at Riley's stomach and chest. Riley shoved him and knocked him over and Anthony hit his head.

I'm sorry to say that by that time, I didn't have much sympathy left for Anthony. I tried to explain to him that if he continues to do things other people don't like, they won't like it and might fight back. Anthony stayed fixated on the fact that Riley pushed him. I was done and left him crying in his room. I did talk to Riley about his choices also. He at least acknowledged that he hadn't handled the situation well and we talked about how to handle it better the next time. Because we all know there will be a next time.

*Taylor was crabby all afternoon because she had a sleepover last night.
*Brittney was in a good mood earlier today but came home from work tonight and started picking on Taylor. Calling her fat, telling her not to eat so much, saying no one likes her, then getting mad at me when I tried talking to her about it.

*Riley was frustrated with me because I wouldn't let him play Call of Duty on the Xbox until Steve had watched him play to see if it was appropriate. Some of his friends want him to play but I have serious concerns about the content of the game. It's rated M for mature. He spent most of the day complaining about that.

Then tonight Riley was angry that he couldn't spend the night tonight at a friend's house. We tried explaining that he has a baseball tournament all day tomorrow and in the afternoon on Sunday and he would be too tired if he had a sleepover but he just got mad at Steve and said he was choosing to ignore him.

*A neighborhood mom came over tonight with a concern I haven't heard before. Which is good, kind of. Our kids hadn't played with her kids for the past two days and she was concerned that her kids had done something wrong. She wanted to apologize. I let her know that her kids were fine, it was mine that were having the issues. I did, however, let her know that if she still wanted to make me feel better with brownies or rice krispy bars, she could ;-)

Now I need to listen to a voicemail from a phone call that came in a few hours ago. And I'll probably have to make a phone call in response. It's making me sick to my stomach thinking about it. I guess I'll know in a few minutes if it's good or not :-/

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