Saturday, April 18, 2015

I Met The Dragon Lady of Watertown!!!

I'm in Watertown with Brittney so she can take her ACT. Let's just say that the person in charge here is one of the most unhelpful & condescending people I've ever met. It almost cost Brittney the ability to take part of her test.

Brittney originally signed up online to take the test like she was supposed too but she didn't sign up for the optional secondary written test. When she tried, the ACT site told her she couldn't sign up for that part online but would need to check in on site the day of the test and add the written portion.

We arrived 20 minutes early and tried to add the written test, which is given immediately following the original portion of the test. We were sent to two different lines and eventually made it to the head honcho, aka Dragon Lady. As soon as we explained what we needed, she just said, "No, I have 200 students testing here and I can't just add her this morning. "

"Oh," I said, "that's not what the ACT online information said. They told her to check in this morning and add it."

"No. The only way to add the written portion now is if someone doesn't show up to take it. And we won't know that until after the test starts, which would be to late to add someone else anyway. So I can't add her now." This was said with a little toss of her head and smirk on her face, after which she immediately dismissed us by beginning a conversation with someone in the office. By now, Brittney only had 5 minutes before her testing started.

I told Brittney just to go take the regular portion of the test. I waited until Brittney was gone because I didn't want to stress HER out right before a big test. Then I pulled out my legal/debater/mother bear attitude........with a smile so I could also attempt to kill Dragon Lady with kindness.

I very nicely but firmly told the Dragon lady," That's fine if you can't add the written portion for Brittney this morning. If it's not possible, I just need a written statement from you saying that she wasn't allowed to add it." Then I gave her a big smile.

Dragon Lady: "You'll have to wait! I have over 200 students that I'm dealing with who are waiting to start their test!" Then she stormed out of the office.

Funny that all those students were ALREADY in staffed rooms, ALREADY having started their test because it was ALREADY after 8am.

So I very sweetly, but VERY loudly, said to her disappearing form, "That's fine! I understand! I'll wait!"

She didn't come back for 20 minutes.

Here's your bonus advise for the day: If you're going to claim you're really busy, don't just walk into the closest classroom and make small talk with the teacher there. It's probably still within sight and sound of the office you just left. This is especially important if the person you just left waiting is especially vigilant ;-)

When Dragon Lady finally sauntered back in, she seemed surprised that I was still sitting there. She immediately began to look busy again by hurrying to her desk and shuffling papers. I just waited patiently, watching her the whole time. After about 5 minutes of this, she finally looked up at me and told me again that the written portion couldn't be added this morning.

I smiled again and said, "That's fine. I just need a written statement from you to that effect so that Brittney doesn't have to pay again to take the entire test over. "

Dragon Lady retorted with, "I'll call ACT and let them know that we were full. That's what normally happens."

I wasn't letting her off the hook with that.  I ditched the sweet smile, stared her in the eye and VERY FORCEFULLY let her know, "If you want to call them, that's fine. But I WILL still need something IN WRITING and signed BY YOU stating that Brittney was not allowed to add the written portion of the test this morning.  What was your name again?"

Dragon Lady was quick to respond, "That's not what I said! I never said she COULDN'T take it." Let me do some checking. She practically ran out of the room.

She was back within 2 minutes or less.

"She's signed up for the written portion. You can go now", said the now slayed dragon lady.


Don't sign up to take the SAT in Watertown.

Sometimes kindness only goes so far.

Brittney, I got your back!!!

Don't mess with this mom, dragon lady!!!


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