Thursday, April 16, 2015

It's That Time of Year Again

Just to give a small insight into why I have trouble finding time to blog:

Tuesday I took a friend to preschool, voted, dropped off Sophia, went to Sioux Falls, came back in time to pick up Sophia, run to Zeke's annual IEP, pick Riley up at track practice, buy new track shoes and baseball cleats for the kids who don't ever seem to stop growing, got Zeke changed and drove him to Special Olympics track practice, made a quick dash through the grocery store with four children, picked up Zeke from track, rushed home so Riley could change into his baseball stuff, turned around and headed to the ball field by 7pm. Somewhere in there, I put braats in the crockpot and left a menu for supper so everyone could eat whenever they were home.

Yesterday was a little better but we're still in that crunch time that always occurs during the last month of the school year, with end of the year activities, concerts and then the beginning of summer sports.  Plus, I always get those little unscheduled things thrown in, like "Honey, I need to get the plates for my car, before tomorrow, and it has to be cash. Can you meet me with the money?" and "Mom, I forgot my work shoes and I'm on my way to work. Can you bring them?"I still try to limit the kids to one activity at a time but it still gets complicated this time of year. In case you're wondering, here are the activities that each kids has going on currently:

Brittney: Cheerleading practice and tryouts are this week, in the midst working at Perkins and The Valley Restaurant. She's also scheduled to take the ACT this Saturday in Watertown.
Riley: Percussion, choir, track (he's running and doing pole vault :) and then baseball practice just started this week.
Taylor: Plays viola in orchestra and I just got her signed up for softball again. She also babysits for neighbors & friends.
Zeke: Special Olympics swimming and track and then his softball starts later in the summer.
Anthony: He's playing Little League Baseball and has a choir concert coming up. I also still take him to SF to therapy every other week.
Sophia: Preschool three days a week. She will start either kindergarten or junior kindergarten in the fall at the new school by our house. I'm hoping to get her into the junior kindergarten program but if there are other kids who need it more than she does, then she'll just go right to kindergarten. She did fine at the spring screening so we'll just have to wait and see if they'll let her do the junior program. I also just signed her up for Safety Town.

The last 20's Diner of the year is this Sunday and then the All Nations Festival is the following Sunday so I'll be putting a few hours in at the church in the next few weeks too.

Steve and I attended a conference together last weekend called Empowered to Connect. I'd love to write more about it but I haven't completely processed it myself. It was about learning to connect with our challenging children from trauma backgrounds. Like one of the presenters said, absorbing the information was a bit like trying to drink out of a fire hydrant!

On another side note, we attended the funeral of Grandpa Mike (the boys' bio grandfather) last week. I could write a whole page just about that. Later.

It's my birthday month. Blah.

I was just informed by a relative (DSS hasn't given us any info or informed us at all) that Sophia's birth father is scheduled to be released from prison in four months. His original conviction was for sexual contact with one of his children. (Not Sophia) He's already asking to see Sophia and I believe he will be living in our town, possibly with his other children. I'll find out more on Saturday.

Maybe I'll start writing more again soon. I haven't been sleeping very well lately so I don't feel like I can write a very cohesive sentence. Although I don't think that will change anytime soon so I might as well entertain the rest of you with my crazy life while I plod along.

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