Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1st Day of School

Never fear, I have plenty more vacation pictures and stories. But today is all about the first day of school.

Brittney - 9th Grade BHS
Brittney was not impressed that I wanted to take her picture on the first day of high school. This was the best I could get. I told her I was posting it anyway! She only has to be at school from 8:30am to 10:00am today but then she has cheer practice this afternoon.
Riley - 5th Grade Camelot
Riley wasn't impressed by my need to take a picture either. It didn't help that he left his school shoes at his friend's house so he didn't have them for the first day. To get a picture, I finally told him he couldn't go until I had a picture with at least a little smile. This was his best effort.
Taylor & Zeke - 4th Grade Camelot
They are both excited and didn't mind the picture.
They are on the same team but not in the same class.

Anthony - 2nd Grade Medary
He didn't mind the picture but didn't want to stand still.
He was anxious to find his friends on the playground.
Sophia is off to daycare.
I didn't get her picture because Steve took her before I could snap one.
Steve's at work at the bank and in a few minutes,
I'm heading to the farm to drive a van to the produce stand.
Steve will be going to Brittney's high school orientation tonight at 6pm and I'll be at the produce stand most of the day until about 6:30pm.
I'm not at Headstart until the 10th of Sept so I think next week will be my week of cleaning and organizing for the fall while the kids are in school. This week is already booked solid!

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